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Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Maher Zain

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Maher Zain
Background information
Birth name Maher Zain
Born March 16, 1981 (1981-03-16) (age 30)
Tripoli, Lebanon
Origin Tripoli
Genres R&B, Soul music, Pop music, World music, Acoustic music
Occupations Singer, musician, songwriter, composer
Years active 2009–present
Labels Awakening Records, Sony Music
Associated acts Irfan Makki, Mesut Kurtis
Website [1]
Maher Zain (Arabic: ماهر زين‎) (born March 16, 1981) is a Swedish R&B singer, songwriter and music producer of Lebanese origin. He also resided for a while in the United States. His debut album Thank You Allah, with 13 songs and two bonus tracks was released on 1 November 2009, with an exclusive Percussion Version and a French Version released shortly afterwards. He sings mainly in English, but also, amongst others, in French, Arabic, Urdu, Turkish and Malay.



[edit] Early life

His family moved to Sweden when Maher was only eight,where he continued his schooling. Maher got his first keyboard when he was ten.[citation needed] He later entered university and got a Bachelors degree in Aeronautical Engineering.[1][verification needed] During his teenage years, he liked to spend late nights at school with his friends where they would sing, rap, compose and experiment with music.[1][verification needed]

[edit] 2008: Involvement with RedOne

After being involved for a while in the music scene as a music producer,[1] Maher was introduced to RedOne, a Swedish music producer of Moroccan origin in Sweden. Maher started working with RedOne[verification needed][1] on some of the latter's projects. Later, he moved to New York where he took part in producing Kat DeLuna on her debut album including hits "Whine Up" and "Run the Show".[verification needed][2] Then he returned for a while to Sweden where he had his spiritual 'awakening'.[citation needed]

[edit] 2009-2010: Breakthrough success & Thank You Allah

File:Maher zain 2.jpg
Maher Zain on "Save The Soul" concert, October 2010.
In January 2009, Maher Zain signed up and began working on an album with Awakening Records. The album peaked at number 2 on Amazon World Album charts. Through this album, he gained 8X platinum on Malaysia with the sales of 120,000 units. After released this album, he released some another versions of the album, which is Percussion Version on 2009 and Platinum Edition on 2011.

[edit] 2011-present: Future plans and upcoming studio album

Maher Zain announced that he had released a Malay version for "Insha Allah", having released French and Arabic version along with videos already, while adding that it would be a track on his second album.[citation needed]
Fadly from the Indonesian band Padi is also contributing to "Insha Allah" in Bahasa Indonesia. Maher also sang "For The Rest of My Life" in Indonesian version, titled "Sepanjang Hidup". It released through Sony Music Indonesia.[citation needed]
Another music video from Maher was released titled 'Freedom' on the end of April.

[edit] Discography

[edit] Awards

  • In January 2010, Maher Zain won the best song for 2009 for 'Ya Nabi Salam Alayka', on Nujoom FM, the Middle East's biggest mainstream music station. He beat other top of the charts singers including but not limited to Hussein Al-Jismi, Mohammed Mounir and Sami Yusuf.[3]

10 Tradisi Berbahaya di Era Modern

Tradisi (Bahasa Latin: traditio, “diteruskan”) atau kebiasaan, dalam pengertian yang paling sederhana adalah sesuatu yang telah dilakukan untuk sejak lama dan menjadi bagian dari kehidupan suatu kelompok masyarakat, biasanya dari suatu negara, kebudayaan, waktu, atau agama yang sama. Hal yang paling mendasar dari tradisi adalah adanya informasi yang diteruskan dari generasi ke generasi baik tertulis maupun (sering kali) lisan, karena tanpa adanya ini, suatu tradisi dapat punah.
Dibeberapa bagian dunia banyak tradisi yg dapat merugikan fisik dan kadang bahkan kematian, berikut daftar tradisi berbahaya di era modern: 10. New Years Dive – Siberia, Russia
Di Rusia penyelam2 melakukan tradisi menyelam kedanau yg mencapai 5.390 kaki untuk membawa pohon tahun baru dan ditanamkan didalamnya, terdengar tidak terlalu berbahaya mungkin, tetapi danau yg disebut2 sebagai danau terdalam didunia ini berada dibawah lapisan es, dan untuk menuju kedanau tersebut harus memotong balokan es tsb. tradisi ini telah berlangsung dari tahun 1982 baca selengkapnya

9. Polar Bear Plunge – Maryland, USA
Tradisi musim dinging yg berlangsung dibanyak negara ini melibatkan banyak peserta untuk untuk melompat kedalam air dingin, di maryland tradisi dilakukan di Sandy Point State Park, Sebenernya sebelum melakukannya peserta harus menandatangani sebuah dokumen yg berisi “bahwa lompatan ini sangat berbahaya, dapat menyebabkan cedera serius, seperti kelumpuhan, hipotermia, dan bahkan kematian”

8. Firework Battle – Chios, Yunani
Tradisi aneh, yg terjadi di Yunani ini berawal dari kejenuhan mereka berdoa di gereja, dan pelampiasannya mereka pun membakar petasan, kembang api dgn sasaran tembaknya adalah gereja mereka dan tidak jarang mereka saling berperang petasan antar umat gereja satu dgn gereja lainnya

7. Baby Dropping Ritual – Solapur, India
Muslim di India barat tepatnya di Solapur berbaris untuk menjatuhkan bayi mereka dari sebuah menara dgn ketinggian 15 meter, ritual yg terjadi selama lebih dari 500 tahun ini dipercaya untuk mambuat anak2 tumbuh sehat dan kuat

6. Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling – Gloucester, Inggris
Festival yang diadakan setiap bulan Mei di Cooper’s Hill, Gloucestershire di Inggris. Festival ini melibatkan keju yang digelindingkan menuruni bukit yang sangat curam, ratusan orang yang mulai berjalan menuruni bukit (risiko nyawa dan anggota tubuh) untuk menangkap keju.

5. Onbashira – Tokyo, Jepang
Obashira jika diasrtikan kedalam bahasa Indonesia adalah “pilar-pilar yg terhormat”. Tradisi yg terjadi sekali tiap 6 tahun ini adalah menaiki sebuah batang pohon yg telah ditebang untuk menuruni bukit, baca selengkapnya

4. Goat Tossing Festival – Spain
Spanyol memang memiliki banyak festival aneh seperti goat tossing festival ini. Setiap tahun pada Minggu keempat di bulan Januari, orang orang lokal dari kota kecil bernama Manganeses de la Polvorosa berkumpul untuk goat tossing festival kehormatan di St Vincent de Paul, santo pelindung mereka. Festival ini telah berlangsung begitu lama dan tidak ada seorangpun yang tahu kapan dimulai.festival ini melibatkan seorang anak muda yang menemukan kambing di desa, kambing diikat, dan kemudian naik ke bagian atas menara tempat lonceng bergantung Gereja lokal. Dia kemudian menjatuhkan kambing dari ketinggian lebih dari 50 kaki di mana kambing itu (mudah-mudahan) tertangkap oleh penduduk desa yang memegang lembar terpal. Aparat desa telah melarang namun masih terus berlanjut. Berbagai lembaga penyayang binatang mengeluhkan tentang hal ini, tetapi tetap aja dijalankan ritual ini

3. Yanshui Beehive Rockets Festival – Yanshui, Taiwan
Tradisi 15 hari setelah hari raya Imlek, biasanya diberbagai belahan dunia tidak terkecuali di Indonesia, adalah melepaskan kembang api ke arah langit, tapi tidak di Taiwan, mereka mengarahkan petasan tsb ke arah orang banyak

2. Running of te bulls – Pamplona, Spain
Terkenal didunia dan sangat berbahaya festival utk menghormati santo pelindung kota. Festival dimana masyarakat berlari bersama banteng

1. College Hazing – Bandung, Indonesia
Fakta diseluruh dunia menyimpulkan 49% mahasiswa baru akan mengalami perpeloncoan di Perguruan tinggi. Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa perpeloncoan itu dilarang dan dibantah oleh salah satu perguruan tinggi di Bandung ini, banyak protes untuk membubarkan sekolah perguruan tsb, tetapi hampir setiap tahunnya selalu memakan korban. Kekerasan berupa pemukulan dan tendangan di bagaian dada dengan alasan pembinaan sudah menjadi tradisi berbahaya di perguruan tinggi ini.


10 koki terbaik di dunia

Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay, UK yg sepuluh kali mendapat bintang Michelin , adalah nama raksasa di industri kuliner. Gordon Ramsay James, lahir pada 8 November 1966 di Johnstone, Skotlandia, memulai karirnya pada usia 19. Ia bekerja di bawah Albert Roux dan Pierre White di London dan Guy Savoy dan Joël Robuchon di Paris sebelum ia ditawari posisi kepala koki di Aubergine restaurant pada tahun 1993. Ramsay adalah koki Inggris profil tinggi dan saat ini salah satu dari tiga koki di negara itu untuk menahan tiga bintang Michelin untuk restoran mereka.

Dia adalah nama marga di Inggris, ia menyajikan acara TV tentang masakan dan makanan kompetisi. Ia terkenal di Amerika Serikat sebagai host FOX's Hell's Kitchen.

Paul Bocuse

Dia adalah bapak seni kuliner Prancis, sebuah legenda selama puluhan tahun. Bocuse adalah salah satu koki terbaik diasosiasikan dengan istilah nouvelle cuisine. Berbeda dengan masakan haute tradisional, masakan nouvelle kurang mewah, kaya akan kalori dan menekankan pentingnya segar, bahan-bahan berkualitas tinggi. Pada tahun 1975, ia menciptakan dunia Bocuse Soupe terkenal aux truffes (Truffle sup) untuk makan malam presiden di Istana Elysee. Sejak saat itu, sup telah menjadi daya tarik utama di restoran dekat Lyon sebagai Soupe VGE, VGE menjadi inisial mantan presiden Perancis Valéry Giscard d'Estaing.

Bobby Flay

Kritikus koki / restoran, pemenang penghargaan penulis buku masak dan televisi kepribadian, Iron Chef berambut api ini adalah salah satu profil tinggi koki Amerika . Flay memulay karirnya di dunia masak pada usia 17 tahun, dan telah mendapatkan reputasi untuk hidangan yang patut dicontoh bahwa unsur-unsur campuran masakan barat daya dengan selera internasional.

Anthony Bourdain

Bourdain adalah koki eksekutif di Les Halles di New York City, dan memiliki lebih dari 20 tahun pengalaman kuliner yang bekerja di dapur profesional di seluruh dunia. Selain sebagai seorang koki dari reputasi besar, dia lulusan Culinary Institute of America dan telah menulis ke banyak fiksi dan non-fiksi karya. Saat ini, Bourdain dapat dilihat sebagai tuan rumah Travel Channel's masakan dan program petualangan budaya, Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations.

Rocco DiSpirito

DiSpirito Rocco dilahirkan pada 19 November 1966 dan dibesarkan di Jamaika, Queens. Pengalaman kuliner Nya dimulai ketika ia berusia sebelas tahun di dapur ibu Nicolin. Pada usia 16 tahun, DiSpirito belajar di Culinary Institute of America, Hyde Park untuk mengasah kemampuan kuliner nya. Ia lulus pada tahun 1986 dan belajar di luar negeri di Jardin de Cygne di Perancis. DiSpirito terkenal karena masakan Italia-Amerika dan memasak fusi yang unik.

Thomas Keller

Secara luas dianggap sebagai salah satu koki terbaik Amerika, Thomas Keller adalah koki dan pemilik laundry Perancis di Napa Valley of Yountville, California, Bouchon di Las Vegas dan Per Se dan Bouchon Bakery di The Time Warner Center di New York City. Ia dan Landmark restaurant, French Laundry, telah diakui dengan beberapa penghargaan. Pada tahun 2005, Per Se dianugerahi peringkat bintang tiga Michelin Guide, membuat Thomas yang pertama dan satu-satunya seorang kelahiran Amerika yang dianugerahibintang dua dari bintang tiga Michelin Guide. Ia juga menulis banyak buku yang mendapat penghargaan, seperti he French Laundry Cookbook and Bouchon Cookbook.

Wolfgang Puck

Johann Wolfgang Puck lahir pada 8 Juli 1949 adalah Austrian-American celebrity chef, television personality, pengusaha dan pemilik restoran, yang berbasis di Los Angeles. Puck baru-baru ini disebut sebagai koki berpenghasilan tertinggi di Celebrity 100. Dia memiliki restoran besar pilihan, mulai dari restoran high end seperti Spago, Cut, Chinois, Postrio sampai casual restaurant seperti Wolfgang Puck Express dan Wolfgang Puck Café.

Todd English

William Todd English adalah celebrity chef, terkenal sebagai penulis, pengusaha, pemilik restaurant, dan television personality yang berbasis di Boston, Massachusetts. Cooking with Todd English, sebuah acara kuliner yang muncul di televisi publik dan diproduksi oleh Connecticut Publik televisi, membuatnya menjadi nama marga. flagship restaurantnya, restoran Zaitun, yang terletak di Charlestown, adalah salah satu nama restoran populer di negaranya.

Emeril John Lagasse

Emeril Yohanes Lagasse adalah pemilik restoran Perancis-Portugis- Amerika, celebrity chef, bintang televisi dan penulis. Emeril adalah koki dan pemilik banyak restoran yang terkenal di dunia di Amerika Serikat. Restoran Emeril menerima banyak pujian Membanggakan dan mendapat peringkat teratas dari majalah bergengsi dari industri kuliner.

Charlie Trotter

Charlie Trotter adalah celebrity chef yang berbasis di Chicago, pemilik restoran dan television personality. Trotter berkelana ke industri kuliner pada tahun 1982 setelah lulus dengan gelar dalam ilmu politik dari University of Wisconsin.


Bagi anda yang pengen menikmati makanan dari chef diatas silahkan berkunjung ke Amerika atau eropa untuk menikmatinya :D
Hari-hari ini, tayangan masak-memasak yang dipandu oleh koki-koki terkenal menjadi begitu digemari. Selain karena banyak orang mencoba mencari alternative makanan sehat, banyak juga yang mulai melirik profesi menjadi seorang koki atau sebutan kerennya, chef.
Sudah tidak asing lagi bahwa profesi koki atau chef saat ini begitu menjanjikan. Banyak para koki yang menjadi selebrity karena tayangan televisi mereka menjadi hit, namun tidak jarang yang sukses karena resep dan masakannya yang sangat memanjakan lidah.
Majalah Forbes telah mendaftar 10 koki paling kaya di dunia, di urutan pertama muncul nama Rachel Ray. Wanita yang memiliki 4 program masak-memasak di beberapa televisi ini memiliki penghasilan 18 juta dolar.
1. Rachel Ray
Di belakang nama Rachel Ray, ada seorang koki pria bernama Wolfgang Puck dengan penghasilan 16 juta dolar pertahun. Koki kelahiran Austria ini memasuki dunia koki selebrity dari the ritzy Los Angeles Restourant di tahun 1982.
2.Wolfgang Puck
Urutan selengkapnya dari para koki miliarder tersebut adalah berikut:
3. Gordon Ramsay
Penghasilan 7,5 juta dolar per tahun. Koki asal Inggris ini memiliki restoran sendiri yang berada di London, New York dan Dubai.
4. Nobuyuki Matsuhisa
Penghasilan 5 juta dolar per tahun. Koki dengan spesialisasi shusi ini memulai karirnya sebagai pemotong ikan di Tokyo, Peru, Argentina dan Alaska. Sekarang Nobuyuki menjadi rekanan atas kepemilikan 17 restoran Nobu di seluruh dunia.
5. Alain Ducasse
Koki asal Perancis ini adalah pemilik kerajaan resto, dengan 22 restoran yang membentang dari Tokyo hingga Paris. Berdasarkan catatan Majalah Forbes, Ducasse memiliki penghasilan 5 juta dollar per tahunnya.
6. Paula Deen
Ratu makanan dari daerah Selatan Amerika ini menangani 2 acara masak memasak dengan penuh keibuan. Penonton setianya terus bertambah hari demi hari, tidak hanya itu, buku resepnya, memoir dan juga majalahnya, semuanya masuk dalam deretan best seller.
7. Mario Batali
Pria ini drop out dari sekolah kuliner. Namun Batali tidak menyerah begitu saja, ia kini dikenal sebagai master makanan Italia dan memiliki 13 retoran di New York, Los Angeles dan Las Vesgas. Penghasilannya pertahun mencapai 3 juta dolar Amerika.
8. Tom Colicchio
Memiliki penghasilan 2 juta dolar per tahun. Dirinya belajar memasak secara otodidak dengan membaca buku. Kini Colicchio memiliki 3 restoran terkenal di New York, Los Angeles dan Dallas, ditambah lagi tiga steak houses. Dia juga menjadi juri dalam acara kompetisi memasak Bravo’s Top Chef.
9. Bobby Flay
Koki dengan paras menawan ini memilik banyak penggemar wanita. Penghasilannya mencapai 1,5 juta dolar pertahun dengan menjadi host acara Trowdown!, Boy Meets Grill dan The Next foof Network Star, selain itu Flay juga pemilik jaringan restoran yang berada dari kepulauan Bahama hingga Las Vegas.
10. Anthony Boudain
Pemilik acara No Reservation ini mencuat setelah ia melakukan eksplorasi terhadap makanan ekstrim seperti dubur warthog panggang. Selain itu penghasilannya juga bertambah dari dari buku-buku karyanya seperti 2000 book, dan Kitchen Confidential yang menjadi best seller dalam waktu singkat.
Dari kisah-kisah para koki yang sukses di atas, kita bisa belajar bahwa kesuksesan dapat dicapai dengan kecintaan atas apa yang dilakukannya. Selain itu, jangan cepat menyerah ketika menghadapi tantangan, buktinya mereka ada yang drop out dari sekolah kuliner atau meniti karir secara otodidak. Jika mereka bisa berhasil, Anda pun juga.



oleh Cumi Kembar (nakula aldo) pada 07 Maret 2011 jam 23:26
Pemeran Juno di Arti Sahabat ini punya nama asli Immanuel Kenneth Santana. Sebelumnya Imanuel juga pernah bermain di sinetron remaja yang mirip Arti Sahabat, namanya Kepompong. Di sinetron itu dia berperan sebagai Rama.
Di Arti Sahabat dia berperan sebagai seorang cowok yang taruhan dengan temannya untuk menaklukan hati seorang gadis namanya Jasmine. Faktanya Jasmine itu adalah cewek yang super duper sombong, dia ingin semua hal itu perfect. Awalnya Juno hampir putus asa karena usahanya selalu gagal, tapi akhirnya dia memutuskan untuk bekerja sama dengan Angel   ( Nina zatulini ) untuk membuat Jasmine cemburu dan ternyata usaha itu berhasil.


  • Nama: Immanuel Kenneth Santana
  • Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
  • Tanggal Lahir04 September 1994
  • Kota Asal : Bumi Serpong, Indonesia
  • Orang tuaSanty Raharja
  • Agama : Christian
  • Musik Favorit : Hillsong, Tw, GMB, Jars of clay, Depapepe, dll
  • Acara TV Favorit : Sketsa, Jail, dll
  • Film Favorit: Film-film action and film-film comedy
  • Buku Favorit : komik
  • Situs Webhttp://Kenneth_oel/
  • Arti Sahabat
  • Kepompong

Demi Lovato

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Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato at the premiere for Hannah Montana: The Movie.
Background information
Birth name Demetria Devonne Lovato
Born August 20, 1992 (1992-08-20) (age 18)[1]
Dallas, Texas, United States
Genres Pop rock
Occupations Singer-songwriter, actress, musician, dancer, model, activist
Instruments Vocals, guitar, piano
Years active 2002–present
Labels Hollywood, Fascination
Demetria Devonne "Demi" Lovato[2] (born August 20, 1992)[1] is an American singer-songwriter, musician, and actress. Her earliest roles included a part on Barney & Friends, before she became better known for her starring roles in the Camp Rock movies, as Sonny Munroe in Sonny with a Chance, and as the star of the 2009 movie Princess Protection Program. She is also involved in philanthropic activities through charity work and various social and environmental causes.[3]
As a solo musical artist, Lovato released her debut album Don't Forget on September 23, 2008. The album debuted at #2 on the Billboard 200 selling 89,000 copies in the first week.[4] It has since sold over 500,000 records in the United States and got certified Gold by RIAA.[5] Lovato stated in an interview that the album was recorded in ten days.[6] Lovato released her second album, Here We Go Again, on July 21, 2009.[7] The album debuted at #1 on the Billboard 200, selling 108,000 copies in the first week.[8]



Early life

Lovato was born in Dallas, Texas on August 20, 1992[2] to Patrick Lovato and Dianna Hart de la Garza. She is of Mexican, Irish, and Italian descent.[9][10][11] She has an older sister, Dallas Lovato, and a younger half sister, Madison de la Garza.[2] Her mother was a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader and country music recording artist;[12] her father moved to New Mexico after their marriage ended in 1994.[10] Lovato earned a high school diploma through homeschooling in April 2009.[13] She began playing piano at the age of seven.[14]

Music career

2007–08: Musical beginnings and soundtrack appearances

Before any of Lovato's music was officially released a few of her original songs, including "Shadow," were featured on the show As the Bell Rings. Lovato also sang a cover of "That's How You Know" by Amy Adams from the film Enchanted that was released on DisneyMania 6 on May 20, 2008.[15]
In June and July 2008, Lovato performed at various House of Blues and parks for her Demi Live! Warm Up Tour in preparation for the release of her debut album and the Burnin' Up Tour with the Jonas Brothers. The soundtrack to the Disney Channel Original Movie Camp Rock was released in June 2008. Lovato was featured on four of the tracks on the soundtrack, including "This is Me," a duet with Joe Jonas. The song peaked at #9 on the Billboard Hot 100. Lovato served as the support act on the Jonas Brothers' Burnin' Up Tour from July through September 2008. Several concerts on the tour were filmed as footage for a 3-D concert film titled Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience, which was released on February 27, 2009. Lovato was featured in the film, performing "This Is Me" with Joe Jonas.
Lovato also appeared on two soundtrack albums in 2010. She recorded songs for the Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam soundtrack, which was released on August 10, 2010, and the Sonny with a Chance soundtrack in late 2010.

2008–09: Don't Forget and Here We Go Again

On September 23, 2008, Lovato released her debut solo album, Don't Forget. The album peaked at number two on the Billboard 200, selling 89,000 units in its first week of release. It has since sold over 500,000 records in the US.[16] Lovato stated in an interview that the album was recorded in ten days.[6]
The album was preceded by the lead single, "Get Back," which was released on August 12, 2008. The song reached #43 on the Billboard Hot 100. In December 2008, Lovato released her second single from the album, "La La Land," which reached #52 on the Hot 100. In March 2009, she released her third single, "Don't Forget." Reaching #41 on the Hot 100, it became her most successful solo single at the time.
An extended play titled Moves Me was released in December 2008 by the Well Go USA label, but not under Lovato's support. The EP featured songs recorded by Lovato before being signed by Hollywood Records.
In 2009, Lovato recorded "One and the Same" for the film Princess Protection Program. Lovato's Princess Protection Program co-star, Selena Gomez, appeared on the song.
In early 2009, it was announced that Lovato would be embarking on the Summer Tour 2009 to promote her sophomore album, which she stated would be released in the summer of 2009.[17] The tour began on June 21, 2009 in Hartford, Connecticut and concluded on August 24, 2009 in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Lovato and her band performing on her 2009 summer tour
Lovato's second studio album, Here We Go Again, was released on July 21, 2009. The album debuted at #1 on the Billboard 200 with 108,000 records sold in its first week.[18] Prior to the album's release, Lovato described the record's sound as a departure from her previous album, saying, "It's going to take a different sound, so hopefully it goes over well. I sing a lot of rock, but this time I want to do more John Mayer-ish type of songs. Hopefully I can write with people like him."[19] The album was more inspired by acoustic music than her debut's pop rock-influenced sound.
The album received a score of 65/100 from Metacritic.[20] Stephen Thomas Erlewine of Allmusic noted that the album was not as much fun as Lovato's previous album, Don't Forget, but he praised several songs for being "ideally matched to Lovato's adolescent energy and spirit, which remain her most appealing qualities."[21] Chicago Tribune also gave the album five stars, saying "No sophomore slump for these young artists". Kerri Mason of Billboard praised the album for not relying heavily on production compared to other Disney Channel artists and called Lovato "a natural talent who could really take flight after outgrowing Disney."[22] Simon Vozick-Levinson of Entertainment Weekly praised the more rock-oriented tracks such as "Got Dynamite," calling them suggestions of "a direction that might set her apart in years to come."[23]
In December 2009, Allmusic ranked Here We Go Again as one of the best pop albums of 2009.[24]
In 2010, the album was nominated for 2 Teen Choice Awards, "Choice Album" and "Choice Love Song," and Lovato for "Choice Music Breakout Artist: Female."
The album was preceded by the lead single, "Here We Go Again," which was released on June 23, 2009.[25] It became Lovato's highest charting single as it reached #15 on the Billboard Hot 100.[26] The album's second single, "Remember December," was released on November 17, 2009 but only managed to reach #6 on Billboard's Bubbling Under Hot 100 (number 106 on the Hot 100).
She appeared on We the Kings's second studio album, Smile Kid, in 2009. On the album, she contributes guest vocals to the song "We'll Be a Dream"," which was later released as a single in March 2010.[27] The song's accompanying music video, which also features Lovato, was released on April 22, 2010 through[28]

2010–present: Third studio album

On March 30, 2010, Lovato announced her South American Tour through her official Myspace page.[29] This was her first international headlining tour. The tour commenced on May 23, 2010 in Santiago, Chile and concluded on May 28, 2010 in São Paulo, Brazil. On April 27, 2010, the Jonas Brothers announced their Jonas Brothers Live in Concert Tour, featuring Lovato as a special guest.[30] The tour visited several cities in North and South America. The tour began on August 7, 2010 in Tinley Park, Illinois[31] and ended on November 13, 2010 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. However, Lovato dropped out of the tour on October 30, 2010 in order to enter a treatment facility to treat physical and emotional issues.[32]
Lovato also stated in July 2010 that work on her third album had begun, describing it as "a little more pop," "more R&B," and "more soulful." She said, "It has a different sound to it so I'm really excited to see how it turns out. Keri Hilson and Rihanna are inspiring my sound right now. I have also written a half Spanish song. It turned out really incredible so hopefully my fans will love it too."[33] Rapper and producer Timbaland has spoken of interest in working with Lovato.[34]

Acting career

Lovato began her acting career at the age of seven on the children's television series Barney & Friends as Angela, appearing in seasons seven and eight alongside long time friend Selena Gomez.[35]
In 2006 Lovato guest starred on Prison Break as Danielle Curtin in the episode "First Down." She also appeared in the second season of the television sitcom Just Jordan as Nicole, in the episode "Slippery When Wet." In January 2007, she landed the role of Charlotte Adams on the Disney Channel Original Short Series, As the Bell Rings, which premiered on August 26, 2007. A few of her original songs, including "Shadow," were featured on the show. Upon leaving the show, her character was replaced by Lindsey Black.
Lovato performing with Joe Jonas at Jonas Brothers Live In Concert, September 2010
In 2008, Lovato starred in the Disney Channel film Camp Rock. She played Mitchie Torres, a fourteen-year-old girl with hopes of becoming a singer. The movie premiered on June 20, 2008 in the United States on the Disney Channel with 8.9 million viewers, making Lovato a household name among young viewers.[36] She provided vocals on four of the songs featured on the Camp Rock soundtrack, including "This Is Me" featuring Joe Jonas.[37]
In June 2009 Lovato co-starred in Princess Protection Program as Princess Rosalinda alongside Selena Gomez on the Disney Channel.[38] The made-for-television movie is the third highest rated Disney Channel Original Movie, premiering on the Disney Channel with 9.8 million viewers.
Lovato later went on to star in the Disney Channel Original Series Sonny With a Chance, which premiered on February 8, 2009.[39] The series' second season premiered on March 14, 2010.[40] The show starred Lovato as Sonny Munroe who becomes the new cast member of a live sketch comedy show titled So Random!. Lovato left the series after the second season and will not be returning for the third.
In September 2009, production began for Camp Rock's sequel, Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam. The Disney Channel Original Movie premiered on September 3, 2010, upon which it gained 8 million viewers.[41][42]
In March 2010, Lovato was one of the many stars featured in a public service announcement for Voto Latino in order to promote the organization's "Be Counted" campaign for the 2010 United States Census.[43]
Lovato appeared as a guest star in an episode of the medical drama series Grey's Anatomy as a teenage patient named Haley, whose parents brought her in for schizophrenia.[44] The episode, titled "Shiny Happy People," aired May 13, 2010 on the ABC television network.[45][46] In a review of the episode, praised her performance, stating, "I still believe that even an unbiased observer would conclude that the Disney princess did a fine job acting it up as a suicidal 16-year-old who was admitted after trying to claw her own eyes out."[47]
Demi Lovato made a surprise appearance on America's Next Top Model on the September 15, 2010 episode to speak out about bullying.[48] Lovato also appeared on CNN on September 7, to speak out about bullying.[49]

Philanthropy and activism

Demi Lovato has been involved in extensive philanthropic activities. She partnered with mall proprietor GGP as the face of Shop Til You Rock, a music-inspired series of public events, which kicked off at malls around the United States in the summer 2010. It combines fashion with popular musical artists in a series of interactive events.[50] Lovato is also the spokesperson for anti-bullying organization PACER. Lovato explained to the New York Post about becoming a spokesperson against bullying, saying, "Bullying is a very serious thing to me; I’ve witnessed it first hand. I was bullied myself when I was 12. I want to be able to help other girls around [my sister's] age come into their own with a strong confidence in their skin, their size, who they are, and everything about themselves."
Lovato is also the spokesperson for the Join the Surge Campaign. Do Something and Clean & Clear launched Joining the Surge, which is a national campaign that empowers teenagers to take action in their communities.[51]
Lovato is involved in Disney's Friends for Change, an organization which promotes "environmently-friendly behavior," and appears in its public service announcements to raise awareness for the cause on the Disney Channel.[52] Lovato, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, and the Jonas Brothers recorded "Send It On," a charity single that served as the theme song for the organization in 2009. The song debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 at #20.[53][54] Disney's Friends for Change directed all of its proceeds from "Send It On" to environmental charities to the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund.[53] Lovato and Joe Jonas recorded a new song called "Make a Wave," the second charity single that currently serves as the theme song for Disney's Friends for Change.
Lovato is also apart of the "A Day Made Better" School Advocacy Campaign.[55] "The campaign is giving a deserving teacher with $1000 in school supplies on behalf of OfficeMax’s “A Day Made Better” school advocacy campaign"[56]
Lovato has also supported the following notable charities:[57]

Image and personal life

In an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Lovato admitted to going through painful experiences with bullying in the seventh grade.[58] According to Lovato, the bullying was so bad that one day, in a fit of frustration and distress, she requested her mom give her a home-schooled education.[59] She wrote the song "For the Love of a Daughter" about her estranged father. Lovato is a Christian and prays with her band before they perform. After Lovato and Selena Gomez, the two of whom first met several years previous at the Barney & Friends auditions, posted a video blog on YouTube in March 2008, Miley Cyrus and her friend Mandy Jiroux uploaded a parody of that video, which caught the interest of entertainment media. Reports included the theory that Lovato and Gomez might replace Cyrus. Gomez clarified there was no feud.[60]
In 2010, on her eighteenth birthday, Lovato bought her family a Mediterranean style house in Los Angeles. She said, "For me to give that to my family on my birthday, that was the best present." She then added, "It's got pretty much everything you could possibly imagine in it. It's the most beautiful, homey-feeling house. I love it."[61] Lovato also purchased their past $1.88 million home in Toluca Lake, Los Angeles. She bought the house when she was 16 years old.[62]
Lovato is a vegetarian.[63] She has been honored the Honorary Ambassador of Education award from the American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders.[64]
She is a fan of heavy metal music, such as Maylene and the Sons of Disaster, Abigail Williams, The Devil Wears Prada, and Job for a Cowboy.[65]

Treatment center stint

Lovato during a photoshoot with the Jonas Brothers in 2008
On November 1, 2010, Lovato's publicist announced that she had left the Jonas Brothers' Live in Concert tour early during the preceding weekend in order to enter a treatment center and "seek medical treatment for emotional and physical issues she has dealt with for some time." The tour was not scheduled to be complete until November 13, 2010. Lovato's publicist stated that "she regrets not being able to finish her tour, but is looking forward to getting back to work in the near future."[66][67]
The day after the announcement, a Disney spokesperson told People that Disney "support[s] Demi's decision to put her health first and [they] send her [their] best wishes".[68] Lovato's publicist denied persistent media speculation that Lovato's treatment was for substance abuse.[69] Other sources reported that she "went into a rehab for eating disorders and cutting and other sorts of things."[70]
In particular, many media sources immediately reported that Lovato had decided to enter treatment right after punching a Jonas Brothers back-up dancer, Alex Welch, on a flight out of Bogotá, Colombia, allegedly because Lovato believed that Welch had informed tour managers of inappropriate behaviour on Lovato's part the previous night, causing Lovato to be confronted by her managers and her stepfather, Eddie de la Garza.[71] Days after Lovato entered rehab, photos circulated on the internet showing Welch sporting a black eye.[72] Welch subsequently confirmed that the story was true, noting that she had been blindsided by the assault. Although Lovato had pulled aside the tour's back-up dancers prior to the flight and threatened, "If I find out who told on me...", Welch was not concerned because she had not witnessed what had happened the previous night and was not the dancer who had informed on Lovato. Welch claimed that she "didn't get a call or text from Demi or a 'hey, you got a problem with me,' nothing." She said Lovato simply approached her during the flight, punched her, and then "literally walked away and got in her seat." Lovato's representatives responded by saying, "We are in the process of engaging with Alex's lawyer and hope to resolve this as quickly as possible."[73] Lovato's camp reached a financial settlement with Welch in late December 2010, with Welch stating that the agreement stipulated for a portion of the settlement to be donated to charity.[74]
On January 28, 2011, it was reported that Lovato had completed her inpatient treatment at the rehab facility and returned home to Los Angeles, where she "will continue to see doctors" to "help her work on the issues she confronted in treatment."[75] On March 8, 2011 an exclusive video was released on in which Lovato thanked her fans for their support during what she described as "the darkest time of my life" and also stated that she was excited to get back to work.[76] Lovato granted her first post-rehab interview to ABC newscaster Robin Roberts, which aired on Good Morning America and 20/20 on April 22, 2011. During the interview, Lovato confirmed reports that her treatment was for bulimia and self-injury, and had taken place at the Timberline Knolls facility in Illinois after the aforementioned confrontation between her and Welch led to an intervention by her family and management team. Lovato stated that the incident came after having had a "really unhealthy relationship with food" since age 8 due to bullying experienced as a child, and self-mutilating her wrists to cope with her emotions and depression since age 11. Her condition came to a head during the tour because Lovato "was performing concerts on an empty stomach...I was losing my voice from purging. I was self-medicating. I was not taking medication for depression, and I literally was so emotionally whacked out that I took it out on someone that meant a lot to me." Lovato expressed regret at her actions towards Welch, stating "I take 100 percent, full responsibility...I feel horrible. [She] was my friend."[77] In another interview, Lovato added that she had "basically had a nervous breakdown",[78] and was also diagnosed with bipolar disorder during her treatment.[79] As part of her efforts to raise awareness about issues similar to her own, Lovato was announced in April 2011 as a Contributing Editor to Seventeen magazine. She will discuss her personal issues as a part of a larger campaign called "Love is Louder than the Pressure to Be Perfect", directed towards teen girls.[80]
During Lovato's absence, the Disney Channel revamped Sonny with a Chance, temporarily restructuring it to focus on the show-within-a-show, So Random!. The move allowed the show to resume filming in January 2011, even though Lovato remained in treatment.[81] "This allows her the time she needs to get well, without distraction or pressure," a Disney Channel spokeswoman said. "Again, we extend our ongoing support to Demi and her family as she works to overcome personal issues."[82] However, Lovato announced in April 2011 that she will not return to the show and will instead focus on her music career, stating that "it's kind of sad for me that a chapter of my life has ended but there couldn't be a better time for me to move on...I don't think going back to Sonny would be healthy for my recovery...Being in front of a camera would make me nervous." The show will therefore be permanently reinvented as the sketch comedy show So Random!.[83]


Lovato briefly dated former Metro Station guitarist Trace Cyrus in 2009.[84]
In 2010, Lovato began dating Joe Jonas, whom she first met while filming Camp Rock in 2007.[85] On May 24, 2010, Lovato confirmed via her official Twitter that she and Jonas were no longer together. In an interview with Us Weekly, Jonas stated, "Demi and I knew that going into our romantic relationship it may not be an easy one. I realize that over the time we have spent together that I feel I care more about our friendship right now. It was my choice to break up, but I love her as a friend. She's been there for me when I needed her. I will continue to be her friend and be there for her."[86]


Year Film Role Notes
2008 Camp Rock Mitchie Torres Disney Channel Original Movie
2009 Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience Herself Concert film
Princess Protection Program Princess Rosalinda Disney Channel Original Movie
2010 Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam Mitchie Torres Disney Channel Original Movie WON People's Choice Awards Favorite TV Movie
Year Title Role Notes
2002–2003 Barney & Friends Angela Recurring role
2006 Prison Break Danielle Curtin (1 episode) "First Down"
Split Ends Herself 1 episode
2007–2008 As the Bell Rings Charlotte Adams Main role, season 1; season 3 guest appearance, episode "Charlotte in the Halls"
2008 Just Jordan Nicole (1 episode) "Slippery When Wet"
Studio DC: Almost Live Herself Second show
2009–2011 Sonny with a Chance Allison "Sonny" Munroe Lead role
2010 Grey's Anatomy Hayley (1 episode) "Shiny Happy People" WON People's Choice Awards Favorite TV Guest Star


See also


Year Award Category Work Result
2009 Young Artist Awards "Best Performance in a TV Movie – Leading Young Actress" Camp Rock Nominated[87]
Teen Choice Awards "Choice TV – Breakout Star Female" Sonny With a Chance Won[88]
"Choice Music – Tour (shared with David Archuleta)" Summer Tour 2009 Won[88]
"Choice Other Stuff – Red Carpet Icon: Female" Herself Nominated[88]
"Choice Summer – TV Star-Female" Princess Protection Program Nominated[88]
"Choice Summer TV Show" Princess Protection Program Won[88]
Alma Awards Special Achievement In Music Herself Nominated[89]
2010 People's Choice Awards Favorite Breakout Music Artist Herself Nominated[90]
Young Artist Award "Best Performance in a TV Movie, Miniseries, or Special – Leading Young Actress" Princess Protection Program Nominated[91]
Teen Choice Award[92] "Choice TV Comedy Actress" Sonny With A Chance Nominated
"Choice Breakout Artist: Female" Herself Nominated
"Choice Pop Album" Here We Go Again Nominated
"Choice Love Song" Catch Me Nominated
"Choice Hook Up" (shared with We The Kings) We'll Be a Dream Nominated
2011 People's Choice Awards Favorite TV Guest Star Greys Anatomy Won
Favorite Family TV Movie Camp Rock 2 Won

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