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Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

Cara Sehat Sejak Pagi Hari

Posted: July 8, 2011 by inginsekalisehat in health
Tags: HEALTH, informasi, jogging, kecantikan, kesehatan, makanan sehat, olah raga, olahraga, Sarapan, sehat, tips cantik, tips sehat, tips sehat dan cantik

Wah, matahari sudah terbit lagi, saatnya kita beraktivitas kembali setelah semalaman kita istirahat. Bangun tidur jangan langsung makan ya, coba untuk cuci muka dulu sebentar, terus berolahraga sebentar.

Olahraga nggak perlu harus yang berat-berat, kita bisa awali olahraga mulai dari jalan-jalan, lari pean-pelan, senam dan lainnya. Karena yang terpenting dalam olahraga adalah rutinitas, hal tersebut lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan olahraga yang berat namun jarang berolahraganya.

Setelah berolahraga, istirahatlah sebentar sambil mendinginkan kondisi badan yang sedang panas dan capek. Minumlah segelas air teh manis untuk mengembalikan tenaga kita yang hilang saat berolahraga. Kalau udah merasa adem dan enak, kita bisa langsung mandi.

Saat mandi pagi, pasti kita lebih milih mandi pakai air hangat kan? Sebaiknya jangan, lebih baik mandi dengan menggunakan air dingin karena mandi pagi dengan air dingin dapat membantu peredaran darah di dalam tubuh kita. Selain itu juga bisa membuat kita menjadi segar, jadi nggak ngantuk lagi kan.

Untuk suasana mandi yang rileks dan nyaman, cobalah sesekali berendam di bath up. Teteskan essential oil ke dalam air yang ada di dalam bath up tesebut. Buat Anda yang memiliki kulit kering, jangan biasakan berendam di air bersabun yang hangat, nanti bisa jadi kulit kita jadi nambah kering lagi. Selain itu juga kalau kita berendam di air dingin yang sudah dicampur dengan 5 tetes camomile essential oil bisa mengobati kulit yang terbakar sinar matahari.

Ketika lagi berendam, lebih enak dan waktu yang cocok buat kita kalau mau body. Setelah berendam selama kurang lebih 5 menit, coba gosok badan kita dengan garam laut, kemudian kita lanjutkan berendam lagi, supaya sel-sel kulit mati kita terangkat dan digantikan dengan sel-sel kulit yang baru. Jadinya kulit kita tampak lebih segar dan bersinar, serta kulit juga menjadi lembut.

Oleskanlah minyak zaitun ke rambut supaya rambut kita menjadi lebih lembab. Kemudian tutupi dengan shower cap. Diamkan saja selama 15 menit lalu bilas seperti biasa. Mandi Anda akan berasa segar dan membuat pikiran kita menjadi tenang sambil menikmati suasana rileks kita di pagi hari.

Ingat ya, kalau udah selesai mandi, jangan langsung pakai minyak wangi ata parfum. Soalnya kalau langsung dipakai bisa jadi kurang baik untuk kesehatan kulit kita, malahan jadi nggak bagus. Pori-pori kulit kita bisa jadi sensitive sama minyak wangi tersebut. Dampaknya kulit kita malah jadi nggak bagus.

Kini Anda sudah siap dengan semuanya, mulailah aktivitas Anda selanjutnya. Bagi Anda yang ingin bekerja, segarkanlah suasana dan pikiran Anda. Agar pekerjaan Anda nanti bisa menjadi ringan dan happy, cobalah the power of mindset.Jngan lupa sebelumnya untuk sarapan dengan makanan sehat ya…

Be Healthy and Beauty…

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Amarah hanya bersifat sementara

Disaat kita sedang marah, disaat kita sedang membenci, disaat kita merasa dengki, kita sangat ingin untuk melampiaskan sesuatu yang benama emosi kemarahan. Bentuk pelampiasan dari emosi itu sangat beragam , mulai dari ingin memukul orang yang membuat kita marah, ingin membanting semua isi rumah, bahkan mungkin ada yang diantara kita ingin membunuh??,, jika seandainya kita melampiaskan emosi itu dengan cara-cara tadi mungkin akan mendatangkan banyak masalah & akibat-akibat buruk yang akan menimpa kita, maka sangat baik & sangat dianjurkan untuk kita agar tidak melampiaskan emosi kemarahan yang sedang kita rasakan. Amarah, kebencian atau kedengkian membuat pikiran kita semakin tidak logis, dan membuat kita tidak mampu berfikir secara jernih dan positif. Jika Amarah sudah benar-benar mengusai pikiran kita maka apapun tindakan yang kita lakukan akan berakibat tidak baik bagi diri kita maupun orang lain yang akhirnya hanya menimbulkan penyesalan. Namun bukan tidak mungkin amarah itu dapat dikendalikan, dengan keikhlasan & kesabaran serta pemikiran yang jauh kedepan akan membuat emosi kemarahan itu tidak akan mampu menguasai pikiran kita. Kita harus selalu brfikir secara jernih, dengan melihat apa akibat yang ditimbulkan jika kita melampiaskan kemarahan kita. Menahan diri untuk diam sejenak dan berfikir secara logis serta selalu berusaha mengikhlaskan dan menyabarkan hati adalah salah satu cara yang baik untuk menahan amarah. Amarah hanya bersifat sementara tidak selamanya, maka sabar & ikhlaslah untuk menerima sesuatu yang membuat kita marah, Ingatlah Tuhan yang selalu menyanyangi kita walaupun kita sering melupakanNya dan melakukan perbuatan yang dilarang olehNya. Maka kita juga harus tetap menyanyangi sesama kita walaupun mereka telah menyakiti hati kita, karena itulah sifat Tuhan yang penuh kasih sayang, dan kita pun harus saling menyanyangi sesama dengan penuh kesabaran & keikhlasan. Semoga sabar & ikhlas selalu ada di hati kita.
Semarang, 27 Juni 2011
14.56 WIB

VIDEO: Gol Ajaib David Beckham

Sepak pojok Beckham melengkung, masuk ke gawang tanpa menyentuh pemain lain.
Senin, 11 Juli 2011, 11:51 WIB
Eko Huda S
David Beckham (AP Photo/Matt Sayles)

* Harper Seven, Nama Putri Victoria Beckham
* Beckham Reuni Dengan MU di Amerika Serikat
* Victoria Beckham Lahirkan Anak Perempuan
* Beckham: Mourinho Pelatih Jenius
* Victoria: David Beckham Cinta Sejati Saya

VIVAnews - David Beckham dikenal memiliki akurasi tendangan dari bola-bola mati. Kemampuan Beckham itu kembali ditunjukkan saat memperkuat timnya, LA Galaxy dalam pertandingan MLS melawan Chicago Fire, 9 Juli lalu.

Pada menit ke-62, LA Galaxy mendapatkan sepak pojok. Beckham mengambil tendangan dari sisi kanan gawang Chicago.

Gelandang yang pernah berjaya dengan Manchester United ini menendang bola, tidak terlalu tinggi dan melengkung. Hasilnya, bola itu langsung masuk ke gawang Chicago Fire setelah terlebih dahulu memantul ke tanah. Tak seorang pemain pun menyentuh bola itu sebelum masuk ke gawang.

"Saya melihat penjaga gawang keluar sarang dan ada sedikit celah. Saya tahu jika bola saya tempatkan di daerah itu akan menyentuh pemain lain atau langsung masuk," kata Beckham sebagaimana dikutip

Gol Beckham ini sekaligus mengantarkan timnya memenangi pertandingan dengan skor 2-1. "Gol kedua tidak menyentuh siapa pun? Saya tidak tahu, tapi itulah mengapa kami membayarnya mahal," kata pelatih LA Galaxy, Bruce Arena.
• VIVAnews

Max Sopacua: Nazaruddin Hanya Berkicau

"Kalau hanya lewat BBM atau SMS saya pikir seperti orang membuang garam ke dalam laut."
Senin, 11 Juli 2011, 11:32 WIB
Arry Anggadha, Mohammad Adam
Bekas Bendahara Partai Demokrat Muhammad Nazaruddin (ANTARA/Andika Wahyu)

* Patrialis: Nazar Keluar Singapura 20 Juni
* Polri Rahasiakan Tim Pencari Nazaruddin
* Denny Kailimang: Kegenitan Orang Kirim SMS
* Demokrat Tak Hancur, Hanya Kehilangan Simbol
* Ruhut: Tidak Akan Ada Kongres Luar Biasa

VIVAnews - Wakil Ketua Umum DPP Demokrat, Max Sopacua, menganggap apa yang diungkapkan Muhammad Nazaruddin lewat Blackberry Messenger kepada sejumlah media massa, tidak memiliki bukti dan data yang akurat.

Apalagi pesan yang menuding Anas Urbaningrum melakukan politik uang untuk menenangkan kursi Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat pada saat Kongres Partai Demokrat di Bandung pada 2010.

"Sejauh itu tak ada data yang akurat, ya saya anggap itu hanya kicauan saja," kata Max di Gedung DPR RI, Jakarta, Senin 11 Juli 2011. "Kami dari partai Demokrat menanggapi itu sebagai sebuah hal yang seperti sms-sms atau BBM-BBM yang lain, yang belum memiliki nilai akurasi."

Menurut Max, hingga kini Demokrat belum bisa memastikan di mana keberadaan Nazaruddin. Max mengharapkan Nazar dapat cepat kembali ke Tanah Air untuk memberi keterangan di hadapan pengadilan atau aparat hukum terkait kasus dugaan korupsi yang dituduhkan kepadanya.

"Kami sama sekali belum tahu di mana dia (Nazar) berada. Jadi saya pikir dia perlu sampaikan itu sebagai data yang akurat di pengadilan atau ketika pemeriksaan di Jakarta," kata Max.

Menurut Max apa yang disampaikan Nazar dalam pesan BBM itu harus dipertanggungjawbakan di hadapan pengadilan. "Kalau hanya lewat BBM atau SMS saya pikir seperti orang membuang garam ke dalam laut. Laut sudah asin, anda tidak perlu lagi buang garam ke sana. Sekarang orang memvonis dia, orang menganggap bahwa dia adalah seorang koruptor. Tetapi kalau dia tidak membela diri di depan pengadilan atau aparat hukum, dia tetap akan jadi bulan-bulanan," kata Max.

Untuk itu, Max menyarankan agar Nazar untuk segera kembali menyelesaiakan persoalan hukum demi menjaga nama baik partai. "Sebagai teman sesama kader maupun sesama pengurus DPP, saya himbau dia (Nazar) untuuk segera kembali dan lakukanlah apa yang harus dilakukan. Klarifikasi apa yang harus diklarifikasi. Sehingga terbuka semua ini kepada masyarakat," kata Max.

"Sayangi partai Demokrat. Bukan hanya sayang individu-individu partai Demokrat, tapi partai Demokrat seluruhnya. Karena membangun partai ini tidak semudah membalik telapak tangan," tambah Max

Dalam pesen BBM terakhir, Nazaruddin menuliskan bahwa ada dana Rp7 miliar yang dialokasikan untuk tim kongres pemenangan Anas. Selain itu, juga ada dana Rp50 miliar yang mengalir ke Anas saat kongres itu digelar.
• VIVAnews

Argentina Berubah Demi Messi

"Kami mengubah seluruh sistem agar Messi bisa jadi playmaker bersama para striker."
Senin, 11 Juli 2011, 06:06 WIB
Zika Zakiya
Lionel Messi (kiri) dan Diego Maradona (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)

* Messi Yakin Argentina ke Perempatfinal
* Kapten Argentina Bela Lionel Messi
* Mantan Pelatih Argentina Tangani Bilbao
* Strategi Argentina Sudah Terbaca Kolombia
* FOTO: Argentina Frustrasi Ditahan Kolombia

VIVAnews - Pelatih Argentina Sergio Batista dipastikan mengubah strategi timnya untuk melawan Kosta Rika di pertandingan terakhir di penyisihan Grup A Copa America 2011. Batista akan mengorbankan duet Carlos Tevez dan Ezequiel Lavezzi demi menempatkan Lionel Messi di lini depan.

Ini dilakukan mengingat Tevez dan Lavezzi gagal menjadi ujung tombak yang produktif setelah Argentina hanya menghasilkan satu gol dalam dua pertandingan. Duet keduanya juga dinilai kurang padu dan tumpul.

"Kami membangun ulang tim dan saya yakin kami bisa melakukannya. Kami mengubah seluruh sistem agar Messi bisa jadi playmaker bersama para striker," ujar Batista pada AP, Senin 11 Juli 2011.

Selain merombak Tevez dan Lavezzi, beberapa pemain lain juga bakal diubah Batista. Diprediksi gelandang Esteban Cambiasso dan Ever Banega akan jadi cadangan di pertandingan melawan Kosta Rika. Perubahan yang cukup mencolok mengingat Cambiasso merupakan pemain berpengalaman di Tim Tango. Posisi mereka akan diganti Fernando Gago, Gonzalo Higuain, dan Angel di Maria.

Sebaliknya dari kubu Kosta Rika tak banyak perkiraan teknis yang bisa diprediksi. Pelatih Ricardo La Volpe hanya menginstruksikan para pemainnya agar tidak terlalu senang saat bertemu langsung dengan Messi. Pasalnya, ketika Messi berkunjung ke Kosta Rika beberapa waktu lalu, banyak pemain mereka yang malah meminta tanda tangan pemain Barcelona itu.

"Saya sudah bilang pada mereka (pemain) mudah-mudahan saat pertandingan berakhir kita bisa bertukar kaus. Saya bayangkan banyak pemain saya yang memang ingin seperti Messi," kata La Volpe.

Argentina dan Kosta Rika akan saling berhadapan, Senin malam 11 Juli pukul 21.45 waktu setempat atau Selasa dini hari WIB. Mereka sama-sama memperebutkan status Runner Up Grup A agar bisa menyusul Kolombia yang sudah lebih dulu melaju ke babak tersebut setelah mengalahkan Bolivia 2-0.
• VIVAnews

Inilah Edisi Terakhir Tabloid Gosip Inggris


"Singkatnya, kami khilaf. Terjadi penyadapan telepon, dan untuk itulah kami minta maaf"
Senin, 11 Juli 2011, 11:44 WIB
Renne R.A Kawilarang, Indrani Putri
Edisi terakhir tabloid News of the World, 10 Juli 2011 (AP Photo/Sang Tan)

* Inilah Dosa Tabloid News of the World
* Melanggar Etik, Tabloid Inggris Ditutup
* Tak Punya Uang, 18 Hari Terjebak di Bandara
* 4.000 Gadis di Bawah Usia 16 Tahun, Aborsi
* China-Inggris Sepakati Kerjasama Rp12,9 T

VIVAnews - Tanggal 10 Juli 2011 kemarin menjadi edisi ke 8.674 bagi News of the World (NoW) sekaligus yang terakhir bagi tabloid asal Inggris itu. Pada halaman depan tablod NoW terpampang judul besar yang berarti 'Terima Kasih dan Selamat Tinggal.'

Menurut stasiun berita BBC, 10 Juli 2011, NoW melipatgandakan cetakan edisi terakhirnya menjadi lima juta eksemplar, dan seluruh hasil penjualan akan disumbangkan pada empat badan amal. Dalam editorial edisi terakhir yang menghabiskan tiga halaman, NoW meminta maaf atas peristiwa penyadapan percakapan telepon atas sejumlah tokoh dan warga Inggris, yang mengakibatkan tabloid tersebut dianggap melanggar etika sehingga harus gulung tikar.

"Kami menjunjung standar yang tinggi, kami menuntut standar yang tinggi. Namun kami kurang menyadari bahwa selama beberapa tahun hingga tahun 2006, beberapa orang yang bekerja dengan membawa nama kami jatuh akibat standar tersebut," demikian sebagian isi editorial tersebut. "Singkatnya, kami khilaf. Terjadi penyadapan telepon, dan untuk itulah tabloid ini meminta maaf."

Editor NoW, Colin Myler, dalam pidato pendek yang disampaikannya di depan lebih dari 200 staf tabloid pada Sabtu, 9 Juli 2011, berujar, "Hal ini bukanlah yang kita inginkan dan bukan pula yang sepantasnya kita dapatkan. Sebagai penghargaan terakhir pada 7,5 juta pembaca setia, ini untuk Anda semua. Untuk para staf, terima kasih."

Malam sebelum edisi terakhir NoW dicetak menjadi malam yang bersejarah sekaligus sangat emosional untuk para awak tabloid tersebut. Alan Edwards, salah seorang jurnalis tabloid bersejarah ini menyatakan, "Kami tetap ingin meninggalkan tempat ini dengan kepala tegak. Apa yang terjadi bertahun-tahun lalu tak ada kaitannya dengan kami saat ini."

Sementara itu, Rupert Murdoch selaku pemilik NoW mengungkapkan bahwa keputusan berhenti terbit ini adalah keputusan bersama, yang diakuinya mungkin akan mengecewakan para pembaca. Ia juga menambahkan bahwa Rebecca Brooks selaku CEO News International dan mantan editor NoW, mendapatkan dukungan penuhnya.

Dalam surat yang ditujukannya pada Parlemen Inggris, Brooks menyangkal semua tuduhan yang dikenakan padanya. Ia bersikukuh tak tahu-menahu soal pembobolan telepon seorang anak sekolah korban pembunuhan ataupun kasus lainnya selama masih menjadi editor.

Pemerintah Inggris telah mengumumkan dua penyelidikan independen terkait skandal media ini. Penyelidikan pertama akan ditujukan pada kegiatan NoW dan media lain serta kegagalan investigasi kepolisian dari 2005 hingga muncul kasus pembobolan telepon, sementara penyelidikan kedua akan meneliti budaya dan etika pers Inggris. (eh)
• VIVAnews


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5 Kelainan Tidur yang Dialami Manusia (Bagian II)

UNIKNYA.COM]: Tidur merupakan sebuah kondisi ketika tubuh dan jiwa berhenti beberapa jam setiap malam, saat itu semua sistem syaraf berhenti beraktifitas, mata tertutup, dan semua otot berada dalam keadan relaks dan kesadaran pun terhenti sejenak ( Setiap manusia membutuhkan tidur baik sebagai sebuah istirahat panjang ataupun sesaat. Namun terkadang dialami dan dilakukan secara berlebihan atau bahkan sangat kurang. Berikut adalah 5 kelainan tidur yang dialami oleh manusia:

1. Hipersomnia

Hipersomnia merupakan sebuah kelainan tidur yang jarang diderita, dikatan ini terjadi pada 200 orang di dunia hingga saat ini. Kelainan ini merupakan kondisi tidur yang durasinya sangat lama, bahkan hingga 18 jam setiap harinya, lebih ekstrim lagi sehari hingga berminggu-minggu. Dikatakan pula bahwa terjadi 10 kali serangan terhadap penderitanya dalam setiap tahunnya. Sebelum seseorang didera oleh hipersomnia, ia biasanya seperti sedang menderita gejala flu, dan sakit kepala yang berkepanjangan. Serangan ini juga akan menyebabkan berat badan bertambah dan keringat berlebihan. Sindrom Kleine-Levin merupakan sebuah hipersomnia yang ditandai oleh perilaku aneh selama serangan, makan berlebihan, banyak gerak, bingung, berhalusinasi, dan hiperseksualitas. Bahkan ada yang mengatakan bahwa hipersomnia ini disebabkan oleh hormone yang tidak seimbang.

Hipersomnia (Sumber:

2. REM-Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD)

REM-Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD), REM-kelainan perilaku saat tidur, merupakan sebuah kalainan tidur yang dikategorikan sebagai parasomnia. Parasomnia terjadi ketika sebuah peristiwa yang tidak diinginkan terjadi dalam keadaan tertidur. Kelainan ini dikatakan dapat menyebabkan si penderitanya bertingkah laku seperti respon yang dilakukannya di dalam mimpi saat tertidur. RBD biasanya disertai dengan tidur berjalan, terror tidur, sebagaimana melantur. Kebanyakan mimpi yang dialami dipenuhi oleh adegan aksi/aktif dan terkadang kekerasan. RBD ditandai dengan sumpah serapah, teriakan, pukulan, tendangan, dan melakukan apa yang dilakukan orang saat berkelahi. Jika tidak ditangani, RBD akan lebih buruk dan menyakiti. Kelainan ini banyak dialami oleh kaum lelaki terutama yang menderita multi gangguan syaraf atrofi atau Parkinson.

REM-Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD) (Sumber:

3. Sindrom Kepala Meledak (Exploding Head Syndrome)

Sindrom ini salah satu dari beberapa kelainan tidur manusia, yang menyebabkan seseorang akan mendengar suara ledakan keras beberapa saat sebelum jatuh tidur. Walaupun seperti hanya terjadi di dalam sebuah film, kelainan ini adalah seseuatu yang nyata dan sering terjadi ketika berjalan di pertengahan malam hari. Beberapa pantulan suara yang disebabkan oleh ledakan bom atau suara bantingan yang sangat keras. Suara ini menyebabkan penderitaan hebat seringkalai mengganggu tidur. Tidak banyak kasus sindrom ini dilaporkan, namun seorang pasien beurumr 10 tahu didagnosa mengalami sindrom ini.

Sindrom Kepala Meledak (Exploding Head Syndrome) (Sumber:

4. Kelumpuhan Tidur (Sleep paralysis)

Kelumpuhan Saat Tidur (Sleep Paralysis), ini ditandai dengan ketidak-mampuan tubuh untuk bergerak ketika dalam keadaan tertidur ataupun ketika terbangun dari tidur.ketika dalam keadaan tertidur, tubuh akan mengalami sebuah peristiwa yang disebut atonia, yaitu keadaan tubuh yang tenang dan kaku. Bagaimanapun, dalam kelumpuhan tidur, atonia terjadi ketika terjaga ataupun jatuh tertidur, bahkan selama dalam keadaan tertidur. Dalam beberapa kasus seseorang tak dapat bergerak ataupun berbicara. Kelumpuhan tidur ini dapat terjadi beberapa menit, namun biasanya sembuh dengan sendirinya. Beberapa orang percaya bahwa kelainan ini merupakan hal yang lumrah, dikatakan bahwa lebih dari 40% manusia pernah mengalaminya.

Kelumpuhan Tidur (Sleep paralysis) (sumber:

5. Sindrom Terjaga (24 jam tanpa tidur)

Sebuah sindrom yang jarang bisa diobati secara baik oleh para dokter, yakni terjaga 24 jam. Sebagai manusia kita memiliki ritme sirkadian yang disebut memiliki hubungan dengan adanya kelainan 24 jam terjaga, setiap harinya. Tentu saja ritme ini berbeda, namun biasanya setiap orang memiliki ritme sirkadian dalam 24-25 jamnya. Bagi para pednerita sindrom terjaga, mereka tidak meiliki ritme yang stabil, “jam tubuh.” Bahkan seringkali ritmenya tertunda dan dimulai setelah 26 jam kemudian atau lebih. Beberapa bahkan dimulai pada 72 jam kemudian sebagai ritme tubuh kesehariannya. Mereka yang terjaga selama 72 jam akan tertidur selama 48 jam, mereka yang terjaga selama 26 jam akan tertidur selama 16 jam. Umumnya orang yang menderita sindrom ini tidurnya lebih lama dua jam dibandingkan mereka yang normal. (**)

Sindrom Terjaga (24 jam tanpa tidur) (Sumber:

Sumber:, 2011.

Yahoo! Dituduh Intip Email Pengguna, Benarkah?

Oleh: Fajri Surya Putra

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011 | 20:11:00 WIB

Logo Yahoo!

Logo Yahoo!:
Sebuah organisasi pro konsumen menuduh penyedia jasa email gratisan, Yahoo! mengintip dan memeriksa surat-surat elektronik milik pengguna. Sarah Kidner dari Which? Computing mengatakan bahwa Yahoo! telah melanggar privasi pengguna dengan mengecek email pengguna.

"Yahoo! sengaja mengecek email konsumen untuk kepentingan iklan," kata Sarah. Menurutnya Yahoo! memindai setiap email pengguna untuk mencari keyword, foto atau apapun yang dirasa berguna untuk kepentingan iklan Yahoo!.

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Indonesia Here I Come!

Asyik, David Archuleta Konser di Jakarta 16 Juli!

Senin, 11 Juli 2011 | 08:08:00 WIB

Asyik, David Archuleta Konser di Jakarta 16 Juli!

Asyik, David Archuleta Konser di Jakarta 16 Juli!:
Setelah tiga tahun lulus dari American Idol, akhirnya David Archuleta dijadwalkan juga untuk menggelar konser di Indonesia. David Archuleta lahir di Miami, Amerika Serikat pada 28 Desember 1990. Ia merupakan finalis American Idol musim ketujuh dan menjadi runner-up dengan memperoleh 44 juta suara.

Konser ini didukung oleh produk perawatan kulit POND's Facial Foam - Teens beserta promotor Urbanite Asia. Namun, seperti biasanya, tiket dalam Pond's Teen Concert tidak diperjualbelikan. Tapi jangan khawatir karena cara mendapatkan tiketnya pun dipermudah.

Kamu cukup membeli 2 buah/3 buah produk Pond's Facial Foam (boleh warna apa saja) di Jakarta/Bandung ukuran 100gr, dalam satu struk pembelian. Kemudian tukarkan 1 struk pembelian tersebut ke radio-radio yang sudah dipilih di wilayah Jakarta / Bandung untuk mendapatkan 1 voucher.

Selanjutnya, ukarkan voucher pada tanggal 16 Juni 2011 ke radio-radio terpilih untuk ditukarkan menjadi tiket konser. Daftar penukaran voucher/tiket di tiket box terpilih adalah OZ Radio (90.8) - Kemang, Jakarta Selatan, Mustang (88) - Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, MD Radio (93.2) - Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur, Prambors (102.2) - Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, Global Radio (88.4) - MNC Tower, Jakarta, Trax FM (101.4), Sarinah Building, Jakarta, OZ Radio - Bandung, dan 99ers Radio - Bandung. Bawa tiket konser milikmu tanggal 16 Juli 2011 untuk nonton langsung aksi David Archuleta di Lapangan D Senayan.

Sebelumnya, Pond's Teen Concert 2011 digelar di Medan, 18 Juni 2011 bertempat di Lapangan Brimob yang dimeriahkan Afgan, Nidji, The Changcuters, Lyla, SM*SH, Geisha dan GAC. Kemudian, pada 2 Juli di Surabaya penonton dapat menyaksikan penampilan Afgan, Nidji, Kotak, The Changcuters, Jrocks, SM*SH dan GAC. (opie, berbagai sumber)<

Software Unik: Gerakkan Cursor Tanpa Mouse

Oleh: Bintang Bagustari

Senin, 11 Juli 2011 | 10:13:00 WIB

Software Unik: Gerakkan Cursor Tanpa Mouse

Software Unik: Gerakkan Cursor Tanpa Mouse: (foto:
Kini telah tercipta suatu software yang dapat menggerakkan cursor tanpa mouse. Kita dapat menggerakan cursor mouse hanya dengan tangan (jari) dan kepala atau yang lainnya. Menarik bukan?

Inilah EViacam, software unik dan open source yang berfungsi untuk menggerakan cursor dengan memanfaatkan sensor dari webcam. Tentu saja jika ingin mendapatkan software ini, PC harus didukung berbasis webcam.

Penggunaan software ini sangat menarik untuk dicoba. Tetapi di samping itu, software tersebut juga memiliki beberapa kekurangan, di antaranya:
1. Susah menemukan cara untuk klik kanan seperti di mouse
2. Mengerti teknik agar pada saat meng-klik tidak gagal
3. Cukup sulit dikontrol
4. Terkadang gerakan kepala dan tangan dapat bentrok.

Meskipun adanya kekurangan tersebut, namun tak mengurangi peminat yang mencoba bahkan menggunakan EViacam ini secara berkala. Yang pasti software ini unik dan menarik untuk dicoba. (berbagai sumber)

MOS: Kota Padang Programkan Kegiatan Positif

Senin, 11 Juli 2011 | 10:51:00 WIB

Padang-inioke. Selama tiga hari ke depan, siswa-siswi baru akan menjalani Masa Orientasi Siswa (MOS) secara serentak di seluruh SMP dan SMA Se-Kota Padang. MOS tahun ajaran 2011/2012 sendiri telah dibuka secara resmi oleh walikota Padang, Minggu (10/7).

Walikota Padang, DR. H. Fauzi Bahar, M.Si, membuka Pelaksanaan Masa Orientasi Siswa (MOS) Kota Padang untuk tahun ajaran 2011/2012 tingkat SMP/MTS, SMA/MA dan SMK se-Kota Padang di Lap. Imam Bonjol, Padang. Sebanyak 8.000 pelajar yang berasal dari 39 SMK negeri dan swasta, serta 50 orang pelajar/ sekolah utusan masing-masing SMP, MTs, SMA, MA hadir dalam pembukaan ini.

Yulia, siswa SMA 3 Padang mengaku senang menjalani masa-masa orintasi sebagai siswa baru. "Menjadi siswa SMA adalah masa yang ditunggu, jadi bahagia banget akhirnya bisa berseragam abu-abu," ungkapnya.

Dalam MOS kali ini, Yulia berharap tidak akan menghadapi suasana perploncoan. "Pengen berbaur dengan senior, tapi gak pengen dijahili," ujarnya.

Meskipun demikian, Yulia yakin bahwa SMA 3 Padang tidak akan memberikan perploncoan kepada siswa-siswi baru. Sebab walikota Padang telah menyatakan dalam sambutannya kemarin bahwa MOS tahun ajaran 2011/2012 harus berbasis karakter. Diutamakan agar nilai-nilai kejujuran, tanggung jawab, toleransi, santun, peduli, mandiri betul-betul dapat ditanamkan dalam diri seluruh siswa kota Padang.

"MOS harus diisi dengan hal-hal yang positif," jawabnya yang kini tengah menghadapi masa-masa pengenalan sekolah. (ria)

40 Siswa Terbaik Sumbar Diterima di UGM

Senin, 11 Juli 2011 | 09:20:00 WIB

40 Siswa Terbaik Sumbar Diterima di UGM

40 Siswa Terbaik Sumbar Diterima di UGM:
Sebanyak 40 siswa-siswi terbaik dari Sekolah Menengah Atas di Sumatera Barat diterima sebagai mahasiswa program Sarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta. Data ini didapatkan dari hasil rekapan Panitia Stand Sumatera Barat yang dibuka di Direktorat Administrasi Akademik UGM, tempat registrasi mahasiswa baru UGM 2011.

Tercatat 30 orang yang diterima di jurusan cluster Eksak (3 orang berhasil menembus Pendidikan Dokter) dan 10 orang di jurusan cluster Sosial. Padang menempati peringkat pertama penyumbang mahasiswa terbanyak (11 orang), diikuti oleh Bukittinggi (10 orang), kemudian Agam 6 orang dan Padang Panjang masing-masing 4 orang.

Stand Sumatera Barat ini dibuka oleh 3 organisasi mahasiswa Sumatera Barat yang ada di Yogyakarta: Asrama Mahasiswa Sumbar "Merapi Singgalang", Asrama Mahasiswi Sumbar "Bundo Kanduang", dan Forum Komunikasi Mahasiswa Minang Yogyakarta).

Selama 4 hari (5 - 8 Juli 2011), panitia Stand Sumatera Barat melakukan pendataan, mencarikan penginapan dan kos-kosan, dan memberikan informasi penting terkait perkuliahan kepada para mahasiswa baru.

Keempat puluh siswa dari SMA di Sumatera Barat yang telah diterima Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta tersebut adalah sebagai berikut.

1. Felix Prawira Azali - SMA Katolik Xaverius Padang (Teknologi Informasi UGM)
2. Rudi Saputra - SMAN 1 Palupuh Agam (Filsafat UGM)
3.Rahma Khairia -SMAN 2 Bukittinggi (Akuntansi UGM)
4.Shafrul Lahitu- SMAN 5 Bukittingi (Filsafat UGM)
5.Sekar Asri Tresnaningtyas - SMAN 1 Padang (Biologi UGM)
6. Firdaus - SMAN 1 Palupuh Agam ( Filsafat UGM)
7. Zakiyya Ikhsanita - SMAN 2 Bukittinggi (Biologi UGM)
8. Yose Ardhani Farasi - SMAN 2 Bukittinggi (Teknik Fisika UGM)
9. Sergio - SMA Don Bosko Padang (Teknik Industri UGM)
10. Kathleen Lupita Sari- SMAN Don Bosko Padang (Arsitektur UGM)
11. Mardhiyan Novita M.Z - MAN Koto Baru Padang Panjang (Sastra Indonesia UGM)
12. Rizka Fadila - SMAN 2 Payakumbuh (Pendidikan Dokter UGM)
13. Derianto Dwi Utama - SMAN 2 Padang (Sastra Inggris UGM)
14. Akbar Abdul Fattah - SMAN 1 Payakumbuh (Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota UGM)
15. Fadjar Mulya - SMAN 2 Batusangkar (Kimia UGM)
16. Erric Al Fajri - SMAN Agam Cendikia (Ilmu Komputer UGM)
17. Yulia Zahralwina - SMAN 1 Gunung Talang (Matematika UGM)
18. Annisatul Muharrara - SMAN 1 Padang (Psikologi UGM)
19.Yulia Novita - SMAN 1 Padang Panjang (Pendidikan Dokter UGM)
20. Atria Dilla Diambama- SMAN 5 Bukittinggi (Geofisika UGM)
21. Ratna Marissa - SMAN 2 Bukittinggi (Pendidikan Dokter UGM)
22.Yawaris Al Adib - SMAN 4 Bukittinggi (Antropologi Budaya UGM)
23. Akbar Lee Marivo - SMAN 4 Bukittinggi (Filsafat UGM)
24. Gusti Hidayat - SMAN 1 Batusangkar (Kimia UGM)
25. Rudi Cahyadi - SMAN 1 Pasaman (Geofisika UGM)
26. Mayang Ayustya Kusuma - SMAN 5 Padang (Sastra Jepang UGM)
27.Tri Fatma Mala Yulhar - SMAN 2 Padang (Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian UGM)
28.Desi Sri Mulya - SMAN 3 Payakumbuh (Ilmu Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan UGM)
29. Rinaldo Khairunnas - SMAN 2 Bukittinggi (Ilmu Komunikasi UGM)
30. Suyukra Darnadjib - SMAN 1 Bukittinggi ( Teknik Fisika UGM)
31. Trias Fouren - SMAN 2 Padang (Teknologi Informasi UGM)
32. Rosa Vella Erdizon - SMAN 1 Rambatan Tanah Datar (Teknik Industri UGM)
33. Hidayati Sri Afni - SMAN 1 Batusangkar (Kimia UGM)
34. Adam Kurniawan - SMAN 2 Painan (Teknik Nuklir UGM)
35. Gita Kharisma Putra - SMAN 2 Padang (Teknik Fisika UGM)
36. Ramanda - SMAN Agam Cendikia (Teknik Fisika UGM)
37. Ade Hidayat - SMAN Agam Cendikia (Teknik Kimia UGM)
38. Arief Fauzi - SMAN Agam Cendikia (Teknik Nuklir UGM)
39. Gusti Warman - SMAN 1 Padang Panjang (Teknik Geologi UGM)
40. Rizki Detrisno Putra - SMAN 1 Padang Panjang (Teknik Industri UGM).

5 Kodok Terunik di Dunia

Oleh: Eris Abdurahman

[UNIKNYA.COM]: Kebanyakan katak ditandai oleh badan pendek, kaki belakang panjang, mata menonjol, angka berselaput, dan tak punya ekor. Namun berikut ada 5 jenis katak yang mungkin paling aneh dan unik di dunia yang jarang kita lihat:

1. Red Coat Frog

Katak ini memiliki mantel merah oranye / merah pada permukaan tubuhnya. Katak kecil ini mencapai ukuran 2,5 cm dan merupakan katak asli negara Madagaskar.

Red Coat Frog (Sumber : Web)

2. Toxic Frog

Katak beracun dengan warna seperti safir biru ini adalah nama umum dari suatu kelompok katak dalam keluarga Dendrobatidae, yakni katak yang berasal dari Amerika Tengah dan Selatan. Tidak seperti kebanyakan katak, spesies ini lebih aktif di siang hari dan sering menunjukkan tubuh berwarna cerah. Ada banyak dari spesies ini kritis dan terancam punah. Katak ini sering disebut “anak panah katak” oleh suku Indian asli yang memang sering menggunakan sekresi beracun jenis ini untuk meracuni ujung busurnya.

Toxic Frog (sumber : Web)

3. Pillow Frog

Katak bantal ini dapat tumbuh hingga panjang enam inci dan bisa ditemukan di Uruguay, Brasil, dan Argentina utara. Walaupun mungkin terlihat seperti bantal yang diam, namun katak ini cepat dalam menyerang kadal, tikus, burung, dan katak lain.
Pillow Frog (Sumber : Web)

4. Darwin’s frog

Katak Darwin cukup teratur muncul sampai sekitar tahun 1978. Namun kini tidak muncul lagi dan tampaknya sekarang mungkin sudah punah. Spesies yang hidup di tempat gunungan sampah daun di hutan hujan ini memiliki metode yang tidak biasa dalam hal pengasuhan anak-anaknya. Sang jantan mengambil telur dari sarang ke kantung vokal mereka untuk kemudian menetas jadi kecebong setelah delapan hari. Ketika mulai merasakan kecebong yang baru menetas menggeliat, katak jantan membawa mereka ke sungai.

Darwin’s frog (sumber : Web)

5. Vietnam Frog

Theloderma corticale, atau katak berlumut Vietnam, adalah spesies katak dalam keluarga Rhacophoridae. Katak ini ditemukan di Vietnam dan mungkin Cina. Biasa hidup di alam habitat hutan dataran rendah subtropis atau tropis lembab, di sekitar air tawar, dan daerah berbatu. Nama umum katak berlumut ini timbul dari kondisi bahwa kulit bintik-bintik dan hijau tua yang menyerupai lumut tumbuh di batu. Ini adalah bentuk efektif penyamaran katak ini. (**)

Vietnam Frog (sumber : Web)

Sumber: Interistingworldfact, 2011

5 Cermin Terunik di Dunia

Oleh: Eris Abdurahman

[UNIKNYA.COM]: Cermin adalah benda yang bisa mengirimkan pesan apakah seseorang sudah tampil sesuai keinginannya atau belum. Namun demikian, ada sejumlah produsen cermin yang coba menghadirkan cermin yang tak biasa seperti di bawah ini:

1. Cermin narsis

Cermin ini dibuat dari desainer Prancis yang sebelumnya telah memiliki sejumlah koleksi cermin menarik macam Matali Crasset, Ich & Ka, dst. Menurut pembuatnya, cermin narsis ini merupakan bagian dari cermin seniman. Poin penting dari cermin ini adalah kualitas, desain, dan frame pengerjaan.

Koleksi Cermin Narsis (Sumber:

2. Cermin setrika

Sebuah konsep menarik yang dibuat desainer Aissa Logerot. Cermin inovatif ini dapat digunakan sebagai alas menyetrika ketika miring dan membuat cermin dalam posisi horisontal. Menurut Aisa, cermin ini objek penghubung antara dua aksi secara berurutan:. setrika pakaian dan make-up.

Cermin Setrika (Sumber:

3. Cermin How Tall Are You

Apakah Anda tergolong bertubuh mini seperti Kylie? Atau besar seperti Hulk Hogan? Mengukur tinggi badan sekarang sudah jarang dilakukan, namun sekarang kita semua bisa mengukur ketinggian seperti tinggi selebriti saat ini. Mirror 120 memiliki daftar ketinggian yang benar-benar real.

Cermin How Tall Are You (

4. Cermin Touch Screen MP3

Tidak lagi sebatas cermin. Cermin Maitre Stocco memiliki layar sentuh konsol di sudut kanan bawah, menawarkan program yang mudah dalam pengoperasian radio, tanggal, barometer, dan MP3 player, sehingga Anda bisa menyanyi sesuka hati Anda pada waktu di mandi atau saat berpakaian.

Cermin Touch Screen MP3 (

5. Cermin interaktif

Dirancang oleh Alpay KASAL, patennya menunggu akses kemampuan cermin. Ada fitur interaktif dari cermin ini seperti sensor jarak, sensor penunjuk, dan kombinasi dari kedua sensor tadi, sekaligus penyebaran polutan inframerah. (**)

Cermin interaktif (

Sumber: www. worldinterestingfact, 2011

Uniknya Parade Polisi Cantik di Indonesia

Oleh: Eris Abdurahman

[UNIKNYA.COM]: Setelah edisi tentara cantik di dunia, kini giliran polisi cantik di dunia. Beberapa dari mereka berasal dari Indonesia, polisi wanita (polwan) yang memang sedap dipandang. Mau tahu seberapa cantik mereka? Tak perlu tunggu lama, mari lihat bersama foto-foto di bawah ini:

1. Polisi Indonesia (Briptu Avi Olivia)

Briptu Avi Olivia, Sebelah Kiri (Sumber:

2. Polisi Indonesia (Briptu Eka Frestya)

Briptu Eka Frestya (Sumber:

3. Polisi Indonesia (Bripda Nindi Vera)

Bripda Nindi Vera (Sumber:

4. Polisi Indonesia cantik-cantik (Nama belum diperoleh)

Polisi Indonesia Cantik-Cantik (

5.Polisi Indonesia cantik (Nama belum diperoleh)

Polisi Indonesia cantik (Sumber:

Sumber: Berbagai sumber,, 2011

Uniknya Foto Prilaku Nyeleneh dan Berani

Oleh: Eris Abdurahman

[UNIKNYA.COM]: Entah apa yang ada di benak sejumlah orang ini. Hal ini membuat prilaku mereka di depan banyak orang terlihat ganjil dan aneh, seperti misalnya berani mencopet pistol polisi secara terang-terangnya. Ingin tahu prilaku ganjil lainnya? Simak saja foto-foto berikut:

1. Mencuri pistol polisi terang-terangan

Mencuri pistol polisi terang-terangan(Sumber:

2. Naik kursi menghindari banjir

Naik kursi menghindari banjir (Sumber:

3. ‘Menderek’ rusa

'Menderek' rusa(Sumber:

4. Memasukkan selai roti ke suntikan

Memasukkan selai roti ke suntikan (Sumber:

5. Mengendarai bak mandi bermotor

Mengendarai bak mandi bermotor (Sumber:

Sumber:, 2011

5 Kekurangan Google

apabila Anda berminat untuk mengutip dan menampilkan tulisan dari situs kami, mohon untuk mencatumkan sebagai sumber pustaka, silahkan masuk ke menu dan baca DISCLAIMER di web ini,terimakasih :) .
Sunday, July 10th, 2011 | Posted by

Oleh: Eris Abdurahman

[UNIKNYA.COM]: Google adalah perusahan internet terbesar di dunia yang populer karena mesin pencariannya. Sekalipun demikian, tak ada gading yang tak retak, perusahaan asal Silicon Valley, Amerika Serikat ini juga memiliki sejumlah kelemahan seperti berikut:

1. Google Finance itu Amerika Sentris

Anda akan sulit mencari informasi bagus bisnis keuangan dari negara lainnya. Selain itu, mengacu tulisan Felix Salmon, Google Finance juga tidak memperlihatkan rasio keuangan rujukan seperti dilakukan Yahoo. Tidak ada fitur seperti price earning dan price stock di dalamnya.

Google Financ (sumber:

2. Mendirikan Google Checkout

Layanan pembayaran digital ini dianggap kurang matang dan serba terbatas. Itu sebabnya orang lebih memilih Paypal sekalian yang menawarkan lebih banyak menu dan kemudahan pembayaran.

Google Checkout(Sumber:

Google Checkout(Sumber:

3. Mendirikan PicasaWeb Album

Picasa sendiri dinilai sebagai pengola album foto terbaik, namun fitur Picasa Web Album terasa sangat buruk. Alasannya, pengoperasiannya terasa membingungkan. Karenanya, lebih baik keluar US$25 untuk Flickr Pro daripada Picasa Web.

PicasaWeb (Sumber:


4. Google Web Accelerator Kurang Privasi

Google Web Accerelator banyak disoroti dalam soal privasi, selain karena menyebabkan tampilan sejumlah situs tidak tampak sempurna. Ini juga membuat Google tiba-tiba meng-klik semua link di situs secara tiba-tiba, selain sering mengabaikan konfirmasi dari bahasa Javascript.

Google Web Accelerator(Sumber:

Google Web Accelerator(sumber:

5. Google Maps Malah Bantu Teroris

Meski brilian, namun produk ini malah membantu teroris melancarkan aksinya. Contohnya Google Maps menunjukkan Jalan Arthur sebagai lokasi penjara pelaku teroris bom Mumbai, India, sehingga sewaktu-waktu bisa terjadi serangan pembebasan. Timbul pertanyaan, mengapa lokasi sensitif tidak dihilangkan saja? (**)

Google Maps (Sumber:

Google Maps (sumber:

Sumber:, 2011

Ghajini Aamir Poem Theme.wmv

Ghajini... RuN RuN Reprise MiX--- Dj JaZZe---

Ahasa Se Nuba Ananthai theme song

Ghajini-Aye Bachchu by Asin Thotumkal

Tamil Theme Music 6 - Ghajini Theme

Deepika Padukone SHOWS off again !!

'Dhinka Chika' (Video Song) Ready Ft. Salman Khan,Asin (Exclusive)

Master of Study Opening Theme

Rolling (piano) - Ji Yeon

Master Of Study OST - You Don't Know

한번쯤은 - T-MAX (God Of Study OST)

Yoo seung-ho & Lee Yeon-hee Interview 유승호 이연희 인터뷰 [ShowBiz Extra]

God of Study Ep 16 Final 3/6 eng sub

God of Study Ep 16 Final 2/6 eng sub


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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MacGyver intro.jpg
Genre Action/Adventure
Created by Lee David Zlotoff
Starring Richard Dean Anderson
Dana Elcar
Theme music composer Randy Edelman
Country of origin United States
Language(s) English
No. of seasons 7
No. of episodes 139 (List of episodes)
2 films
Executive producer(s) Henry Winkler
John Rich
Location(s) California
British Columbia
Running time 60 minutes
Original channel ABC
Audio format Mono (Seasons 1–2),
Stereo (Season 3–7)
Original run September 29, 1985 (1985-09-29) – May 21, 1992 (1992-05-21)
Status Ended
External links

MacGyver is an American action-adventure television series created by Lee David Zlotoff. Henry Winkler and John Rich were the executive producers. The show ran for seven seasons on ABC in the United States and various other networks abroad from 1985 to 1992. The series was filmed in Los Angeles during seasons 1, 2 and 7, and in Vancouver, British Columbia, during seasons 3–6. The show's final episode aired on April 25, 1992 on ABC (the network aired a previously unseen episode for the first time on May 21, 1992, but it was originally intended to air before the series finale).

The show follows the intelligent, optimistic, laid-back, resourceful secret agent Angus MacGyver, played by Richard Dean Anderson. He prefers a non-violent resolution to violence where possible and refuses to handle a gun. MacGyver works as a troubleshooter for the fictional 'Phoenix Foundation' in Los Angeles. Educated as a scientist with a background as a Bomb Team Technician/EOD in Vietnam ("Countdown"), and from a fictional United States government agency, the Department of External Services (DXS), he is a resourceful agent able to solve complex problems with everyday materials he finds at hand, along with his ever-present duct tape and Swiss Army knife.

The series was a ratings success for ABC and was particularly popular in the United States, Europe, Australia, Bangladesh, Middle East, Brazil, Canada, Mexico and New Zealand. Two television movies, MacGyver: Lost Treasure of Atlantis and MacGyver: Trail to Doomsday, aired on ABC in 1994. A spin-off series, Young MacGyver, was planned in 2003, but only the pilot was made. Merchandise for the MacGyver media franchise includes games and toys, print media and an original audio series. There have even been a few comedic spin-offs of the famous show, such as Saturday Night Live's "MacGruber," which later was made into a full feature film named MacGruber, and a parody of the song "Hey There Delilah", which was given the name "Hey There MacGyver." A feature film based on the series is being developed[1] and may possibly be produced by 2013.[2]

* 1 Series overview
o 1.1 Format
* 2 Cast
* 3 Production
* 4 Broadcast and Home Video history
o 4.1 Initial Broadcast History
o 4.2 Syndication and Movies
o 4.3 Spinoffs
o 4.4 Home releases
* 5 Impact
o 5.1 Legacy
o 5.2 MacGyverisms
* 6 References
* 7 Further reading
* 8 External links

[edit] Series overview
Main articles: List of MacGyver episodes and Organizations in MacGyver

The series revolved around MacGyver (known to his friends as "MacGyver" or "Mac"), whose main asset is his practical application of scientific knowledge and inventive use of common items—along with his ever-present Swiss Army knife (mainly the Huntsman, Spartan and the Tinker models by Victorinox). The clever solutions MacGyver implemented to seemingly unsolvable problems — often in life-or-death situations requiring him to improvise complex devices in a matter of minutes — were a major attraction of the show, which was praised for generating interest in the applied sciences, particularly engineering,[3] and for providing entertaining story lines. All of MacGyver's exploits on the show were ostensibly vetted to be based on scientific principles (even though, the creators acknowledged, in real life one would have to be extraordinarily lucky for most of MacGyver's ideas to succeed). In the few cases where MacGyver used household chemicals to create poisons, explosives, or other things deemed too dangerous to be accurately described to the public, details were altered or left vague.[4]

The use of ordinary household items to jury rig devices shows an influence from The A-Team (though MacGyver eschewed firearms). The idea has entered United States popular culture: such constructions are referred to as "MacGyverisms" (a term first used in episode 3 of season 2, "Twice Stung"). MacGyver has become a verb, as in "The car broke down but he MacGyvered a fix to get home", and was even used in Stargate SG-1, a later show featuring Richard Dean Anderson as a protagonist. The show often dealt with social issues, though more so in seasons 4–7 than 1–3, which were mostly about MacGyver's adventures working for the United States government and then later the Phoenix Foundation.
[edit] Format

Several episodes began with a cold open, finding MacGyver already on a mission. MacGyver often narrated himself with a story from his childhood relating to his current situation. MacGyver resolves this situation quickly, and the main story commences after the opening credits. This opening sequence is called in the credits the "Opening Gambit" and is far more common in earlier episodes than in later ones. This segment is often written and directed by a different team than the main story of the episode. After the credits, the main story plays out in standard three-act structure. In many episodes, the opening sequence occurs after the opening credits and often does not involve MacGyver on a mission but rather in a situation used for character development. In the same manner as the "Opening Gambit" sequences, these opening segments often do not directly relate to the main story.
[edit] Cast
Main article: List of MacGyver characters

* Richard Dean Anderson as MacGyver, refuses to carry or use a gun, due to a childhood accident with a revolver that resulted in the death of a friend (season 4, episode 2). In reality, Richard Dean Anderson is vehemently anti-gun and is a member of several anti-gun organizations and forced this part of his persona into the show.[5] However, in the pilot episode, MacGyver is seen firing an AK-47 on a mission in the opening Gambit (7:51 into the episode), then seen using a gun in the TV movie Trail to Doomsday. The decision to have him avoid gun use came after production of that episode.[citation needed] He is often suspicious of militaristic attitudes within the government; he sees his Phoenix Foundation employer as an alternative to the more conventional (and violent) means of law enforcement.[6]

* Dana Elcar as Pete Thornton, MacGyver's boss and best friend. He is an operative at the Department of External Services (DXS), which is where he is impressed by Mac's ingenuity while tracking down Murdoc, an international assassin. When Thornton becomes director of operations at the Phoenix Foundation several years later, he brings MacGyver into the program. In addition to sending Mac out on various tasks for the foundation, Thornton is many times forced to bail MacGyver out of the trouble he gets into. Thornton has a son named Michael.

[edit] Production
See also: List of MacGyver episodes

While creating the series MacGyver, John Rich worked on the American series, Mr. Sunshine, which was eventually canceled by ABC. After this Rich teamed up with Henry Winkler and Lee David Zlotoff to create the series which would later be known as MacGyver.[7]

The series was filmed in Southern California for its first two seasons and again in its final season. From seasons 3–6, it was filmed in various locations around Vancouver in Canada.[8] The estimated budget for each episode was around US$ 1 million.[9]

When the series was in pre-production, Winkler and Rich were looking for a suitable actor for the lead.[7] After Richard Dean Anderson's appearance in the American television series, The Love Boat, Winkler got Anderson to audition for the part of MacGyver.[10] According to Rich, every auditioning actor "hulked" his way through his audition. When Anderson eventually auditioned for the role, Winkler and Rich felt that he gave the character a human touch which the other actors couldn't. Both believed that Anderson would become one of the new "breakout" stars on American television.[7]

Anderson is known for having done many of the stunts in the series, though in later seasons he reduced his stunt participation because of accumulating injuries. He injured his back and required a foot surgery because of his accidents working as a stuntman.[11]

The producers of MacGyver had a tendency to use the same actor in multiple roles throughout a series run. Kai Wulff played Stepan Frolov in season one's "Every Time She Smiles", Hans Visser in season four's "Collision Course", Ladysmith in season five's Black Rhino, and Nicolas Von Leer in season six's episode "Eye of Osiris". Gregory Sierra appeared in the season one episode "The Gauntlet", playing General Antonio Vasquez, the season two episode "Jack of Lies", playing Colonel Antunnez, and the season five episode "The Treasure of Manco", playing Captain Diaz. Nana Visitor appeared in the season one episode "Hellfire" as Laura Farren, and in the season two episode "DOA: MacGyver" she appears again as Carol Varnay. David Ackroyd appears in the season one episode "Trumbo's World" as Mr. Trumbo, and in the season three episode "The Negotiator" as Mr. Knapp. Elyssa Davalos played Lisa Kohler/Kosov in "Lost Love: Part 1 & 2" in season 3, then just a few episodes later (in the same season) she re-appeared as Nikki Carpenter, a role which she reprised in several more episodes. Dana Elcar first appeared in the pilot episode as the chief of operations for KIVA laboratories under a different character name, Andy Colson.[12] Elcar returns later in the first season to play the main character, Pete Thornton.[13]

Several episodes of MacGyver's first season were written, or co-written, by Terry Nation, a British writer best known as the creator of the Daleks in Doctor Who.
[edit] Broadcast and Home Video history
[edit] Initial Broadcast History
Main article: List of MacGyver episodes

After a slow start in its first season, MacGyver became a sleeper hit for ABC in its second season, during which it began a six-year run as the lead-in to ABC's Monday Night Football (the longest such run in history).[14] During the show's fourth season, Richard Dean Anderson complained that ABC was not marketing the series enough. Saying that the series is "just another action show" for ABC, he further stated that ABC didn't give the series enough promotion.[15] MacGyver was canceled after the seventh season because ABC wished to broadcast a new series, entitled Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (from the same production company as MacGyver, Paramount Television), which became a minor success compared to MacGyver.[16] When asked why the series was cancelled, Anderson replied: "The only reason it went off the air was that everybody was ready to move on. I was physically exhausted and had no life."[17]
[edit] Syndication and Movies

In 1994, the series was released in over seventy different worldwide markets.[18] Because of popular demand, two TV-movies were created, both released in 1994. The first movie MacGyver: Lost Treasure of Atlantis premiered in the United States in May. The film was shot in England and Greece. The second movie was entitled MacGyver: Trail to Doomsday. Anderson served as executive producer for both films,[18] which were filmed in Europe.[19] Re-runs of the series still air in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia.[20]
[edit] Spinoffs

In 2003, The WB Television Network had a pilot for a possible new Young MacGyver series starring Jared Padalecki as MacGyver's nephew Clay, but opted to pass on it.[21] In an August 2007 survey commissioned by the McCormick Tribune Foundation, Americans polled voted MacGyver as the favorite fictional hero they would want to have if they were ever caught in an emergency.[22] Lee David Zlotoff, creator of the series, announced on May 3, 2008, that a MacGyver film was in the planning stages.[23] He would produce the film along with Martha De Laurentiis and Raffaella De Laurentiis through her Raffaella Productions.[24] Richard Dean Anderson has expressed interest in revisiting his role,[25] however there is no confirmation on who would be playing the role of MacGyver in the film.[26]
[edit] Home releases

Paramount Home Entertainment has released all 7 seasons of MacGyver on DVD in Regions 1, 2 and 4. On October 16, 2007, CBS DVD released MacGyver: The Complete Series, a special collectors' edition box set that features all 139 episodes of the series as well as the two TV movies that followed.

On June 15, 2010, Paramount released the two TV movies on DVD in Region 1 in a separate single-disc release entitled MacGyver - The TV Movies.[27]
[edit] Impact
Main article: List of awards and nominations received by MacGyver
Main article: MacGyver in popular culture
[edit] Legacy

In 2006, Anderson appeared in a MasterCard television commercial for Super Bowl XL. The spot poked fun at the character's ability to use everyday objects to perform extraordinary feats: In it, he manages to cut the ropes binding him to a chair using a pine tree air freshener, uses an ordinary tube sock as the pulley for a zip-line, and somehow repairs and hot-wires a nonfunctional truck using a paper clip, ballpoint pen, rubber band, tweezers, nasal spray and a turkey baster. In contrast to previous MasterCard commercials showing people making extravagant purchases to accomplish some mundane task, MacGyver is here portrayed as escaping from some sort of deathtrap using less than $20 worth of common household items. The commercial ends by showing him purposefully buying an assortment of such things at a department store with his credit card (as a tongue-in-cheek explanation for how Mac seems to always have items he needs on hand no matter where he goes). Although the commercial indicates Anderson is portraying the role of MacGyver, he is not identified.[28]

The series is referenced in episodes of The Simpsons, primarily detailing Marge Simpson's sisters Patty and Selma's obsession with the show and their crush on the MacGyver character. The sisters' regular viewing of the show is an unalterable element of their daily schedule to the point of death as demonstrated in the episode "Black Widower". The episode featured a fictional scene of MacGyver where he downplays his role in saving a village ("Don't thank me. Thank the moon's gravitational pull").[29] In another episode, "A Star is Burns", Homer tricks Jay Sherman into insulting MacGyver in front of Patty and Selma; Sherman ends up being hung from the rain gutter by his underpants, and Bart asks "You badmouthed MacGyver, didn't you?" Anderson himself is an avid fan of The Simpsons, and even provided his voice for an episode of the show titled "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore", which first aired April 6, 2006, where Patty and Selma kidnap Richard Dean Anderson after he admits that he never liked doing MacGyver and only did the show for the money.

In the first episode of Anderson's later show, Stargate SG-1, Amanda Tapping mentions that the Air Force had to "MacGyver" a Dial Home Device for the Stargate (a split-second shot following this shows Anderson twitching an eyebrow). There is a blooper reel where Tapping's character, who is trapped with Anderson's character on a glacier, begins ranting about how "we got belt buckles, shoelaces and a piece of gum. Build a nuclear reactor, for cryin' out loud! You used to be MacGyver, MacGadget, MacGimmick... now you're Mr. MacUseless... Dear God, I'm stuck on a glacier with MacGyver!"

In 2007, the NBC sketch show Saturday Night Live featured a parody of MacGyver called "MacGruber" with Will Forte as the title character. The intros for these skits featured scenes from the MacGyver series. MacGruber and cohorts are always locked in a control room of some type with a bomb set to go off in 15–20 seconds. MacGruber has his co-stars hand him components to defuse the device, but something inevitably gets in the way (either situational, because MacGruber himself interferes, or because no one wants to touch what he has asked for) and the bomb detonates. In the March 7, 2009 installment of the "MacGruber" sketches, it was revealed that MacGyver is MacGruber's long-lost father. In 2010 the character was featured in its own R-rated spinoff movie, entitled MacGruber; the film was released by Rogue Pictures.

In February 2008, the science show Mythbusters featured a MacGyver special which tested several of MacGyver's tactics.

In 2008 the phrase "What would MacGyver do?" was used in a New Zealand television commercial for Gregg's "freestyle cooking" range of herbs and spices. The commercial featured the word MacGyver unfolding like a puzzle with a potato peeler and chopping knife opening out like the blades of a Swiss Army Knife.[30]
[edit] MacGyverisms

MacGyver employs his resourcefulness and his knowledge of chemistry, physics,[4] technology, and outdoorsmanship to resolve what are often life-or-death crises. He creates inventions from simple items to solve these problems. These inventions became synonymous with the character and were called MacGyverisms by fans.[31] MacGyver was unlike secret agents in other television series and films because, instead of relying on high-tech weapons and tools, he carried only a Swiss Army knife and duct tape but never a gun.[4] One episode shows the reason being that a boyhood friend of his was accidentally killed by a revolver he was not supposed to have. One other episode shows him only using a captured gun by taking it apart to use as a kind of wrench, with the trigger guard doing the job of shutting down a valve tap. In the opening gambit of the pilot episode, MacGyver is briefly seen shooting an AK-47 at a group of enemy soldiers before passing the gun off to the man he was rescuing. This is the only time MacGyver fired a weapon during the series.

This also led to the verb, "to MacGyver". "MacGyverism" was first used by Joanne Remmings (played by Pamela Bowen) in the third episode of Season 2. When MacGyver introduces himself to her, she uses the term in a manner that suggests other people had used it before:[32]

"Oh I've heard about you! You're the guy who does the whatchamacallits, you know, MacGyverisms; turns one thing into another?"

Richard Dean Anderson stated in a 1989 interview on The Arsenio Hall Show that they had just missed out on getting the word "MacGyverism" entered into the Webster's Dictionary and that they intended to try to get it in the next update.[33]

The show's writers based MacGyver's inventions on items they found on location, concepts from scientific advisers John Koivula and Jim Green, and real events.[4] The show offered a monetary prize to people who sent good ideas for the show. A young fan suggested that MacGyver could patch up a vehicle's radiator by cracking an egg into it. The episode "Bushmaster" was constructed around this trick, and the fan was rewarded (producer Henry Winkler said in a 2005 NPR interview that that was his favorite "MacGyverism"). Although staff read every letter, few usable ideas were obtained in this way.[31]
[edit] References

1. ^ Daniel Hubschman (May 21, 2010). "MacGyver Movie On The Way".
2. ^ "MacGyver (2013) entry".
3. ^ Design News Staff (December 17, 2001). "Engineers making a difference; Five engineers find the time to teach kids that engineering is cool". Design News: 50.
4. ^ a b c d Britton, Wesley, Spy Television, Praeger/Greenwood, ISBN 0275981630, p. 212.
5. ^ "Brothers". MacGyver. American Broadcasting Company. No. 2, season 4.
6. ^ Pieter Jacobus Fourie (2004-04-28). Media Studies: Content, audiences, and production. Google Books. ISBN 9780702156564.,M1.
7. ^ a b c John Rich (2006-10). Warm Up the Snake. University of Michigan Press. ISBN 9780472115785.,M1. Retrieved 2009-05-14.
8. ^ Canadaka. "TV Series Filmed in Canada".
9. ^ Jenny Wake (December 3, 1990). "MacGyver Madness". The New Zealand Listener. Retrieved 2009-05-14.
10. ^ James Brady (December 27, 1998). "In Step With Richard Dean Anderson". Parade Magazine. Retrieved 2009-05-14.
11. ^ Lindsey Greenstein, Laura Giles and Alex Bogdan (February 4, 1990). "Kidsday: Talking with Richard Dean Anderson". Newsday. Retrieved 2009-05-14.
12. ^ "Pilot". MacGyver. American Broadcasting Company. No. 1, season 1.
13. ^ "Nightmares". MacGyver. American Broadcasting Company. No. 11, season 1.
14. ^ Suzanne Stevens (January 19, 1987). "In a fix? Call MacGyver, not the average Joe who plays him". People Weekly. Retrieved 2009-05-14.
15. ^ David Walstad (July 24, 1988). "Series gets no respect, star says; Richard Dean Anderson faces his fourth season as MacGyver". The Philadelphia Inquirer. Retrieved 2009-05-14.
16. ^ Susan King (December 13, 1992). "No More Mr. Nice Guy". TV Guide. The Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2009-05-14.
17. ^ Mark Nollinger (July 15, 1997). "Ice Man". TV Guide. TV Guide. Retrieved 2009-05-14.
18. ^ a b Susan King (May 8, 1994). "Richard Dean Anderson producing Macsqual". The Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2009-05-14.
19. ^ Jerry Buck (May 8, 1994). "A New Image for MacGyver". Associated Press. Retrieved 2009-05-14.
20. ^ Allan Johnson (July 15, 1997). "Role reversal Richard Dean Anderson goes west to leave MacGyver behind". The Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 2009-05-14.
21. ^ "MacGyver: Watch Jared Padalecki as the Hero's Nephew, Young MacGyver". March 17, 2009. Retrieved 2009-04-03.
22. ^ "MacGyver is favorite disaster hero". The Sydney Morning Herald. September 13, 2007. Retrieved 2007-09-13.
23. ^ "In brief: MacGyver creator talks up film". The Guardian. May 6, 2008. Retrieved 2008-05-26.
24. ^ ""MacGyver" being reassembled as feature film". Reuters. March 16, 2009. Retrieved 2009-03-16.
25. ^ "Comic Con: Richard Dean Anderson Talks MacGyver Movie". Cinema Blend. July 27, 2008. Retrieved 2009-04-03.
26. ^ "New Line Gears Up For 'MacGyver' Film". Attack of the Show! – The Feed. March 16, 2009. Retrieved 2009-04-03.
27. ^ "MacGyver DVD news: Date Change for MacGyver - The TV Movies". Retrieved 2011-02-25.
28. ^ "MacGyver MasterCard Commercial". 20 Dec. 2010.
29. ^ "A Star Is Burns". The Simpsons. 1995-03-05. No. 18, season 6.
30. ^ MacGyver Online web site has this commercial to watch online
31. ^ a b Rich, John, 2006, Warm Up the Snake: A Hollywood Memoir, ISBN 0472115782, p. 167.
32. ^ Season 2, Episode 3 – "Twice Stung". Her phrasing suggests it's a popular term to those who know of MacGyver's track record, although MacGyver himself was unaware of the term.
33. ^ This interview can be seen here:

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Knight Rider (1982 TV series)

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Knight Rider
Genre Action/Adventure
Science fiction
Created by Glen A. Larson
Starring David Hasselhoff
Edward Mulhare
Patricia McPherson
(season 1, 3–4)
Rebecca Holden
(season 2)
Peter Parros
(season 4)
Voices of William Daniels (uncredited)
Narrated by Richard Basehart (uncredited)
Theme music composer Stu Phillips
Composer(s) Stu Phillips
Don Peake
Morton Stevens (one episode)
Country of origin United States
Language(s) English
No. of seasons 4
No. of episodes 90 (List of episodes)
Executive producer(s) Glen A. Larson
Robert Foster
Location(s) California
Running time 45 minutes
Production company(s) Glen A. Larson Productions
Universal TV
Distributor NBC Universal Television Distribution
Original channel NBC
Audio format Mono (season 1–3)
stereo (season 4)
Original run September 26, 1982 (1982-09-26) – August 8, 1986 (1986-08-08)
Followed by Knight Rider (2008 TV series)
Related shows Code of Vengeance
Team Knight Rider

Knight Rider is an American television series that originally ran from September 26, 1982, to August 8, 1986. The series was broadcast on NBC and starred David Hasselhoff as Michael Knight, a high-tech modern-day knight fighting crime with the help of an advanced, artificially intelligent and nearly-indestructible car.

Conceived and produced by Glen A. Larson, the show was an instant hit. "I wanted to do The Lone Ranger with a car", and "Kind of a sci-fi thing, with the soul of a western", Larson said in The Last Great Ride.

* 1 Plot
* 2 Production
* 3 Cast and characters
* 4 Episodes
* 5 Spinoffs/sequels
o 5.1 Code of Vengeance
o 5.2 Knight Rider 2000
o 5.3 Knight Rider 2010
o 5.4 Team Knight Rider
o 5.5 2008 television movie and sequel
o 5.6 Film adaptation
* 6 DVD releases
* 7 Knight Rider in popular culture
* 8 Toys, games and vehicles
* 9 Music
* 10 See also
* 11 Further reading
o 11.1 Non-fiction
o 11.2 Fiction
* 12 References
* 13 External links

[edit] Plot

Self-made billionaire Wilton Knight rescues police detective Michael Long after a near fatal shot to the face, giving him a new identity (via plastic surgery) and a new name: Michael Knight. Wilton selects Michael to be the primary field agent in the pilot program of his Knight Industries-funded public justice organization, the Foundation for Law and Government (FLAG). The other half of this pilot program is the Knight Industries Two Thousand (KITT), a heavily modified Pontiac Trans Am with numerous features including an extremely durable shell and frame, controlled by a computer with artificial intelligence. Michael and KITT are brought in during situations where "direct action might provide the only feasible solution".

Heading FLAG is Devon Miles, who provides Michael with directives and guidance. Dr. Bonnie Barstow is the chief engineer in charge of KITT's care, as well as technical assistant to Devon (April Curtis fills this role in Season 2).
[edit] Production

The car used as KITT in the series was a customized 1982 Pontiac Trans-Am sports model that cost US$100,000 to build.[1]
[edit] Cast and characters

* David Hasselhoff as Michael Knight – Michael Arthur Long is an undercover Las Vegas police detective who, while on a case, is shot in the face and nearly killed. Wilton Knight, creator of FLAG, directs his doctors to save Long's life and reconstruct his face. With his new identity, "Michael Knight", Long is provided with high tech crime-fighting equipment, most notably the car nicknamed KITT. David Hasselhoff also played the villainous Garthe Knight, Wilton's estranged son who has become a criminal.
* William Daniels as the voice of KITT (Knight Industries Two Thousand) – the autonomous car/artificial intelligence with whom Michael Knight is partnered. Daniels, who simultaneously also starred on St. Elsewhere, requested to not be credited for his role as KITT's voice.
* Edward Mulhare as Devon Miles – the leader of FLAG, who appeared in nearly every episode to provide mission details to Knight and KITT. He was also the spokesman for FLAG whenever it came under scrutiny.
* Patricia McPherson as Dr. Bonnie Barstow – (Seasons 1, 3–4) she served as KITT's chief mechanic and as romantic tension for Michael. The character was dropped after the first season, but due to strong fan reaction and lobbying by Hasselhoff and Mulhare, she was returned for the third season and remained through the end of the series.[citation needed]
* Rebecca Holden as April Curtis – (Season 2) chief mechanic for KITT. The character was removed when Patricia McPherson returned.
* Peter Parros as Reginald Cornelius III aka RC3 – (Season 4) Driver of the FLAG mobile unit and occasional sideman for Michael & KITT.
* Richard Basehart as Wilton Knight – (Pilot) the creator of FLAG, who dies in the pilot episode. Basehart's voice, however, is heard throughout the series, narrating over the credits.

[edit] Episodes
Main article: List of Knight Rider (1982 TV series) episodes
[edit] Spinoffs/sequels
[edit] Code of Vengeance

The two-part episode "Mouth of the Snake" served as a backdoor pilot for a 1984 series to be called All That Glitters. Rejected by NBC, the lead character and actor were recycled for a short-lived 1985-1986 series titled Code of Vengeance, revolving around Charles Taylor as Vietnam vet David Dalton. The Knight Rider episode featured Dalton exhibiting great gymnastics, not unlike The Six Million Dollar Man sans bionics, but when Code of Vengeance aired, Dalton was an ordinary-skilled drifter. It soon fell off the schedules after only two two-hour movies and two one-hour episodes.[2]
[edit] Knight Rider 2000
Main article: Knight Rider 2000

Knight Rider 2000, a 1991 sequel movie featuring Michael Knight and Devon Miles, who is killed, with KITT being given a new sporty red body (a close facsimilie of the Pontiac Banshee IV concept car, was actually a Dodge Stealth with custom body work) as the Knight 4000, and serving as a Television pilot for a would-be new series starring Susan Norman as Shawn McCormick, but it did not sell.
[edit] Knight Rider 2010

Knight Rider 2010 is a 1994 movie loosely based on the show. In this version, a Classic 1969 Ford Mustang replaces the previously used Pontiac Trans Am; additionally, as there are so few links to the original show, it may not be considered canon other than for carrying the Knight Rider title. The film was penned by Miami Vice writer John Leekley.
[edit] Team Knight Rider

In 1997, Team Knight Rider was introduced as a spinoff. Set sometime in the near future, the show featured a fleet of intelligent vehicles. Michael Knight returned at the end of the final episode of the first season, though he was not played by David Hasselhoff. This was a cliffhanger intended to be explained in the next season. However, the show did not catch on and the second season was not commissioned. Team Knight Rider ran for 22 episodes.
[edit] 2008 television movie and sequel
Main articles: Knight Rider (2008 film) and Knight Rider (2008 TV series)

On September 26, 2007, NBC announced that it was creating a two-hour backdoor pilot to air later that season.[3] In the new version, Justin Bruening stars as the estranged son of Michael Knight, Mike Traceur.[4] Deanna Russo plays Traceur's one-time girlfriend and love interest, Sarah Graiman.[4] Bruce Davison co-stars as her father, physicist Charles Graiman, the original designer of KITT (Knight Industries Two Thousand).[4] Wayne Kasserman co-stars as Mike's roommate and friend.[5] David Hasselhoff also has a cameo as Michael Knight.[4] KITT (Knight Industries Three Thousand) is portrayed as a Ford Shelby GT 500 KR Mustang.[6]

Supervising producer Dave Andron wrote the pilot script, Doug Liman and Dave Bartis executive produced it.[4] NBC announced on December 13, 2007 that the 2-hour pilot would air on February 17, 2008. Val Kilmer recorded the voice for the new KITT (Knight Industries Three Thousand) Mustang, after Will Arnett, who initially won the role, was asked to withdraw by General Motors due to his prior advertising agreements with them.[7] Sydney Tamiia Poitier, the youngest daughter of Sidney Poitier, played FBI agent Carrie Rivai.

After receiving good ratings, NBC announced that Knight Rider would return as a weekly series beginning in the fall of 2008. The show aired Wednesdays at 8:00pm/7:00pm CT.[8] The series premiered September 24, 2008 on NBC. In November 2008, NBC announced that the series had been picked up for a complete 22-episode season but that several cast members would be leaving and the story lines revamped after the original 13-episode order.[9] On May 19, 2009, NBC announced that they would not renew Knight Rider for a second season because of poor ratings.
[edit] Film adaptation

In March 2002, Revolution Studios announced a partnership with Mayhem Pictures to create a film adaptation of the TV series. The film would be re-designed to be similar to Revolution's previous project, xXx. Series creator Glen A. Larson was hired to write the first script draft, with the series' lead actor David Hasselhoff attached to advise the project and also have an onscreen role.[10] In April 2003, Revolution Studios hired screenwriters David Elliott and Paul Lovett to pen the film's script.[11] In April 2004, the premise of the film was described as having Hasselhoff reprise his role as Michael Knight, though he would be an elder statesman who would serve as a mentor to the protagonist in the same way that Devon Miles mentored Knight in the TV series. The protagonist would be Knight's son, inheriting the family business and driving the vehicle KITT. The producers' choice for the role was actor Ben Affleck.[12] The series' voice of KITT, William Daniels, was being sought by Hasselhoff to reprise his role.

In May 2006, The Weinstein Company acquired film rights to adapt Knight Rider from series creator Larson. He expressed his interest in the film adaptation as a potential franchise property.[13] The following September, Hasselhoff invited actor Orlando Bloom to portray Knight's son in the film adaptation, but Bloom turned down the offer.[14] In April 2007, Hasselhoff said that the film was in development at Miramax, and that he would at least have a cameo in the film.[15]

In September 2007, Glen A. Larson appeared in a personal video for Knightcon 07 in the UK. This marked Larson's first public video appearance in which he addressed the fans directly and presented visual confirmation of a script for a proposed Knight Rider motion picture. Since this initial appearance, plans have been underway at The Weinstein Company to bring Knight Rider to the big screen as an updated take on the original series pilot, "Knight of the Phoenix". Larson's motion picture plans have no connection to the recent production by NBC.
[edit] DVD releases

Universal Studios Home Entertainment has released all four seasons of Knight Rider on DVD in regions 1, 2 & 4. A complete series box set featuring all 90 episodes in a collector's edition box has been released in regions 1[16] & 2.[17] Season 1 contains a bonus disc featuring many special features including featurettes, photo gallery, blueprints gallery of KITT and an owner's manual of KITT. It also contains the follow up TV movie Knight Rider 2000.
Season Episodes Originally aired DVD release date
Season premiere Season finale Region 1 Region 2 Region 4
1 22 September 26, 1982 (1982-09-26) May 6, 1983 (1983-05-06) August 3, 2004 (2004-08-03)[18] September 13, 2004 (2004-09-13) December 1, 2004 (2004-12-01)
2 24 October 2, 1983 (1983-10-02) May 27, 1984 (1984-05-27) April 12, 2005 (2005-04-12)[19] July 4, 2005 (2005-07-04) September 19, 2005 (2005-09-19)
3 22 September 30, 1984 (1984-09-30) May 5, 1985 (1985-05-05) January 31, 2006 (2006-01-31)[20] May 26, 2006 (2006-05-26) July 12, 2006 (2006-07-12)
4 22 September 20, 1985 (1985-09-20) April 4, 1986 (1986-04-04) April 4, 2006 (2006-04-04)[21] September 18, 2006 (2006-09-18) September 20, 2006 (2006-09-20)
[edit] Knight Rider in popular culture

On July 8, 2008, GPS manufacturer Mio Technology announced the release of a Knight Rider-themed GPS unit for a price of $270. The unit has the original Knight Rider logo printed above the display and features the voice of William Daniels.[22]
[edit] Toys, games and vehicles
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Various toy versions of KITT were released and produced solid profits. Among the more notable of the Knight Rider memorabilia includes the remote controlled KITT, the Knight Rider lunch box, and the deluxe version of KITT. This final model, sold by Kenner Toys and dubbed the "Knight Rider Voice Car", spoke electronically (actual voice of William Daniels), featured a detailed interior and a Michael Knight action figure as well.[23] Also various electronics firms sold kits to add the running red lights to any car.

In the 1980s there was a Knight Rider toy vehicle for Germany's Darda system.[24]

Knight Rider was adapted into a computer game in 1986 for several popular 8-bit formats, although it only received a partial release.

In the modern era, Knight Rider: The Game was produced by Davilex International under license. Players could drive KITT through 15 missions and meeting characters from the show like Devon, Bonnie, KARR and Garthe Knight.[25] Davilex also released a sequel in late 2004.[26] The game improved the overall structure of the game, but did not closely follow the original series as KITT has weapons and Knight uses them to fight robots.

In Japan, between 2002 and 2004, a Japanese toy manufacturer Aoshima which had the official license to produce Knight Rider merchandise, produced the Knight Rider FLAG trailer truck 1/28 scale model and a KITT and KARR mini-Z racers (these were R/C cars).

Charawheels 1/64 scale die-cast toy model of KITT (2004) — Charawheels is "Hot Wheels" in Japan. This toy is very hard to find now.

As with many popular series of the era (including The Dukes of Hazzard, The A-Team etc.), ERTL released die-cast toys of KITT in three different sizes — the common miniature sized model, a 'medium' sized model, and a large sized model. These toys featured red reflective holograms on the nose to represent the scanner (however, they were located on the point of the nose, rather like the early mock-up of KITT seen in the Pilot) as opposed to altering the basic model design to incorporate the scanner as commonly seen in the series. The toys also included round steering wheels as opposed to KITT's customized one. Also in late 2004, 1/18 scale die-cast models of KITT and KARR were produced from ERTL complete with detailed interior and light up moving scanner just like in the series.[27] KARR was later manufactured by Aoshima. They repainted the KITT models that they got from ERTL with KARR's colors and changed the scanner to amber. Both KITT and KARR sold very well both in stores and online. These models are still available on various websites selling die-cast models, as well as eBay.

In September 2006, Hitari, a UK based company that produces remote control toy cars, released the Knight Rider KITT remote control car in 1/15 scale complete with the working red scanner lights, KITT's voice from the TV show and the car's turbine engine sound with the "whoosh whoosh" scanner sound effect.[28][29] This can still be found online at eBay or at some stores in the UK.

In March 2007, Advanced Mobile Solutions Ltd (AMS) published the Knight Rider mobile game in 2D and 3D versions. The game has been released on wireless carriers' networks in Europe with a planned Q2 2007 release in the U.S. and Asia. In the 10 multi-level missions, the user plays avatar Michael Knight and drives KITT to combat enemies such as KARR, Goliath, the Fist and others.
[edit] Music

The series had a strong musical connection, the theme tune has been sampled and remixed a number of times, and episodes featured popular music tracks as well as original compositions.

The Knight Rider theme song has been sampled by the following artists:

* Punjabi MC: Mundian To Bach Ke also on Jay-Z remix called Beware of the Boys
* Busta Rhymes: Turn It Up (Remix)/Fire It Up
* Timbaland & Magoo: Clock Strikes

Moreover, alternative metal band System of a Down used a part of the theme in their song I-E-A-I-A-I-O from the album Steal This Album!.

In addition, Film Score Monthly released a limited-edition disc of music from the series in 2005, featuring Glen A. Larson and Stu Phillips's theme and cues from Phillips's scores for "Knight Of The Phoenix" (the pilot), "Not A Drop To Drink," "Trust Doesn't Rust," "Forget Me Not" and "Inside Out." The album finishes with Phillips's music for the Glen Larson Productions logo.
[edit] See also

* Airwolf
* Automan
* Blue Thunder
* Street Hawk
* Stingray
* The Highwayman
* Thunder in Paradise
* Viper

[edit] Further reading
[edit] Non-fiction

* Joe F. Huth and Richie F. Levine (2002). Knight Rider Legacy: The Unofficial Guide to the Knight Rider Universe. Writers Club Press. ISBN 0-595-23910-2.
* Nick Nugent (2008). The Knight Rider Companion — The Ultimate Guide to Original Knight Rider Mythology. Will Garris Publishing. ISBN 978-0-9774505-9-7.

[edit] Fiction

* Glen Larson and Roger Hill (1983). Knight Rider. Pinnacle Books. ISBN 0-523-42170-2 (adapted from and expanded upon the feature-length / two-part Pilot episode - among other differences, Tanya is shot in the face rather than the chest in the climax)
* Glen Larson and Roger Hill (1984). Knight Rider: Trust Doesn't Rust. Pinnacle Books. ISBN 0-523-42181-8 (adapted from and expanded upon the first season episode of the same name)
* Glen Larson and Roger Hill (1984). Knight Rider: Hearts of Stone. Pinnacle Books. ISBN 0-523-42182-6 (adapted from and expanded upon the first season episode of the same name)
* Glen Larson and Roger Hill (1984). Knight Rider: The 24-Carat Assassin. (UK publication only) (adapted from and expanded upon the feature-length / two-part second season episode 'Mouth of the Snake'. Interestingly, the back of the book states that it is adapted from All The Glitters – the working title for the story)
* Glen Larson and Roger Hill (1984). Knight Rider: Mirror Image. (UK publication only) (adapted from and expanded upon the feature-length / two-part second season episode Goliath. The back of the book states that it is adapted from Goliath and Goliath Returns, but the actual story is only adapted from Goliath. One of the interesting differences is that in the book, Garthe Knight is called Garthe Bishop. This novel also states that April is actually Devon's daughter, but this was never used in the series and is not considered canon)

A series of annuals were published each year in the UK by Grandreams. These books consisted of a mix of text stories and cartoon strips, as well as photos and articles on the shows stars and KITT. There were five annuals produced in total, each reflecting the different season of the show that was airing at the time, with the final two releases covering the final season. (The last annual was printed in a quite small quantity, due to popularity of the show gradually fading, and is considerably rarer as a result).
[edit] References

1. ^ Browning, Norma Lee. "Riding High with Knight Rider", Toys R Us magazine; Vol. 1, No. 2; 1986; Page 5
2. ^ Buck, Jerry (January 1, 1986). "Premiere delay only one of the problems facing 'Dalton'". The Modesto Bee: p. D8.,171173&dq=code-of-vengeance+taylor&hl=en. Retrieved March 21, 2010.
3. ^ Adalian, Josef (2007-09-26). "NBC taps Liman for 'Knight Rider'". Variety Magazine. Retrieved 2007-09-30.
4. ^ a b c d e Andreeva, Nellie (2007-11-20). "Pair help KITT-start new 'Rider'". Hollywood Reporter ( Archived from the original on May 17, 2008. Retrieved 2007-12-16.
5. ^ "Knight Cast Fills Out.", November 29, 2007.
6. ^ West, Kelly (2007-11-30). "Pictures Of Remake-Knight Rider's KITT Surface Online". Blend Television. Retrieved 2007-11-31.
7. ^ "Kilmer 'will voice' Knight Rider". (BBC). 2008-02-07. Retrieved 2008-02-07.
8. ^ NBC Universal. "NBC reveals complete 52-week program strategy, earlier than ever, that gives advertisers the opportunity to create unique marketing solutions". Press release.
9. ^ Andreeva, Nellie (November 10, 2008). ""Knight Rider" changes gears, ejects stars". Hollywood Reporter.
10. ^ Michael Fleming (2002-03-18). "Revolution revs 'Rider'". Variety. Retrieved 2007-04-14.
11. ^ Marc Graser (2003-04-13). "Scribes revving up 'Knight Rider' pic". Variety. Retrieved 2007-04-14.
12. ^ "Knightmare". Empire. 2004-04-13. Retrieved 2007-04-14.
13. ^ Ian Mohr (2006-05-08). "TV's 'Knight' rides again". Variety. Retrieved 2007-04-14.
14. ^ "Bloom snubs The Hoff's role". 2006-09-01.,23663,20323578-36557,00.html. Retrieved 2007-04-14.
15. ^ Brooke Tarnoff (2007-05-02). "David Hasselhoff in Knight Rider Movie? Perhaps.". UGO.§ionId=7. Retrieved 2007-05-02.
16. ^
17. ^
18. ^ "Knight Rider - Season One (1982)". Retrieved 2011-02-21.
19. ^ "Knight Rider - Season Two (1982)". Retrieved 2011-02-21.
20. ^ "Knight Rider - Season Three (1982)". Retrieved 2011-02-21.
21. ^ "Knight Rider - Season Four (1982)". Retrieved 2011-02-21.
22. ^ MiTAC Intl. (July 8, 2008). "Knight Rider GPS by Mio Brings K.I.T.T. to Every Car". Press release.
23. ^ "Knight 2000 Voice Car From Kenner". Retrieved 2011-02-22.
24. ^ "Classic & Current Darda Cars - The A-Z of darda cars in pictures". Retrieved 2011-02-22.
25. ^ "Knight Rider: The Game (PlayStation 2)". IGN Entertainment. Retrieved 2011-02-22.
26. ^ "Knight Rider 2 (PC)". IGN Entertainment. Retrieved 2011-02-22.
27. ^ "1983 Knight Rider KITT diecast model car 1:18 scale die cast by Ertl". Retrieved 2011-02-22.
28. ^ "KNIGHT RIDER - K.I.T.T.". HITARI. Retrieved 2011-02-22.
29. ^ "KNIGHT RIDER - K.I.T.T. - Specification Sheet". HITARI. Retrieved 2011-02-22.

[edit] External links
Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Knight Rider (1982 TV series)

* Knight Rider at the Internet Movie Database
* Knight Rider at

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