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Kamis, 07 April 2011

narrative text


One day, there was a family in a big house. They are moslem. At morning, father has gone to work. So , mother couldn’t her son to do praying. Because usually father was the one and only who can asked the son to pray. Mother didn’t have idea. But, later she gave her son a puzzle.
“Tony, mom has a puzzle for you, would you like to hear it?” mother asked.
“Never mind mom,” Tony answered it while keep playing the robot.
“What kind of animal can speak?”
Tony thought a moment, “Nothing mom!”
Mother was smiled.
“Buffalo…Tony!” Mother said.

“Why mom?” Tony amazed.
“Mom has a tale, do you like it?”
Because Tony liked tale very much, Tony put all of attention to his mother and wasted his robot to the box.
Mother started telling,”There was a farmer and buffalo in the ricefield, they were ploughing while talking.
Buffalo: “Have you eaten?”
Farmer:” Yes, I have.”
Buffalo:”So have I. Oh, I hear azan from far, do you do praying?”
Farmer:”No, I don’t.
Buffalo:”Oh, same with me…. !!”
“That’s the story,Tony!” Mother explained.
Listened it, Tony went to take a wash directly. Mother was very cheerful and she advanced reading the magazines.

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